Darkly Detached
Community Member
- Enneagram
- 5w4 Sx
is there ever really a time that isn't stressful?
j/k I agree. I think if I could test under perfect circumstances I would probably get a 9ish result. I am not complex.I'm no puzzle at all.
That would make sense. I've heard a lot of 9's show a preference for simplicity. However that's not something to type by. It's what motivates them to seek simplicity that's important. Too much complexity interferes with a 9's balance and sense of inner peace which is why many of them don't prefer it.
Complexity is something very typical of what 5's and 5-fixers want and express about themselves as well. They have a restless vibe to them and that's the connection to the 7 under stress. I don't think a 5 can leave questions unanswered.