Basically this: http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/sep/27/ben-carson-muslim-president-subjugate-beliefs
The Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on Sunday marked his surge to within one percentage point of the frontrunner Donald Trump with a return to his controversial comments about whether a Muslim could become US president.
[h=1]For a teen aspiring to be president, being Muslim is a hurdle in post-9/11 America[/h]
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The retired neurosurgeon told ABC any Muslim would have to “subjugate” some aspects of his or her faith, including Sharia law, before being elected to the White House.
Some elements of Islam, he said, were “against the rights of women, against the rights of gays”. He also said Islam “subjugates other religions, and [advocates] a host of things that are not compatible with our constitution”.
If a Muslim candidate did not renounce such aspects of his or her faith, Carson said, “Why in fact would you take that chance?”
I see. I agree with Carson and what he said here. It shows me that he has a good way of thinking about things and is willing to not only say what he thinks but explain it. That takes a lot of courage.