Do ANY women prefer short men?

What about midget sex robots?

No, I do not prefer midget sex robots to men. I do however prefer midget sex robots to normal sex robots.
I dont prefer short men or tall men. People are people. There are certain characteristsics l like- loving, funny, wise, confident, happy, fun, empathetic, understanding, intelligent, peaceful, honest, creativity, integrity, responsible, aware, similar values etc. These are the things that make a person beautiful and attractive to me. I dont give a fuck how short or tall someone is, what does it have to do with anything? Each to their own though.

Im only 158 cm so im quite short myself. Whatever that means because height is quite a relative concept. Your height is what it is, why does it have to be about comparing it with someone else? All the men ive been with have been taller than me but thats probably because its rare that men are shorter than me. I have been attracted to men that are both short and very tall. And women that are short and tall as well.
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Yes, I personally don't really care what a guy's height is. I'm 5'8" and I once dated a guy who was 5'4". I also had a coworker who doesn't mind dating men shorter than her, which is good because she is at least 6'0" herself, lol.

Giggles...who knew you could find love!
Then there's the issue of what she claims as a preference or requirement. This is how I see it:
Most girls say they like tall men.
I think this is mostly true.
I think girls also say it as self-promotion and a barrier for guys who are too insecure to defy and move past this superficiality.
It doesn't hurt to say it.
Short, fat, ugly, submissive, angry, insecure... There's a fetish for everything.
Pr-Caveman Advantages
If there is an evolutionary advantage for partners that are taller, it might predate cavemen by tens of thousands of years.

If you look at the guessed progression in the hominid form, there has been a constant advance in height. It might well be, that height preference is something that dates back to when our ancestral species was little taller than a medium sized dog.

In that case, height would seem to be an advantage, for looking over tall grass, and being able to spot predators.

Or Preference for Older Men
Also, short men may look more juvenile and underdeveloped - which might mean that tall preference is just an extension of the preference for older men. ???
Within recorded history, the average age of humans used to be much shorter than it is now. If the average life expectancy was about 40yrs, presumably a very high proportion of males would die as teenagers. Judging age can be difficult: some men go bald early; some never do. Most men have beards, obscuring facial characteristics, etc. Height just seems like an easy way to judge that a male is fully grown. Men stop growing at about 33 years.

The advantage of an older male in such situations (ie. 25 year olds, vs 15 year olds) is that to reach an older age in harsh environments requires greater intelligence, better health, good eyesight and hearing, etc. So presumably, in the ancient world an older (ie. in 30's) man is probably a surer genetic bet than a younger man (eg. 15). And the easiest way to assess age is height.
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