Absolutely satisfied with
every aspect of themselves? Seems like a tall order (no pun intended). Very rare no matter what your height is.
Anyhow, I think Tom Cruise might disagree with this.
He seems to be intelligent and god knows he is successful. But from what I have read, although he seems to prefer women that are significantly taller than him, he has a real problem with them wearing heels in his presence. AND he wears platform shoes. I don't think he is trying to make a fashion statement.
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Most guys, no matter how smart, successful and well put together they are, would most likely prefer to be tall or above average height, in my opinion. They think it is more appealing to women, whether that is true or not.
Note: As for my preference, I really didn't have one when I was single. I'm 5'5 and I dated a guy for a couple of years that tried to tell me that he was 5'7 even though I am pretty sure I was slightly taller than him

And it didn't bother me at all. He was handsome and funny and we had a great time together. That was all that mattered.
My husband is 6'1 but he wasn't chosen for his height. He was chosen because he is my soul mate