No they are not.
I am one of those seemingly extremely rare women who find shorter guys more attractive than taller ones (shock and horror, always have and probably always will). I find any guy over 6 feet 2inches extremely unattractive and cumbersome looking especially if they are quite big horizontally as well.
I find women who are talking about wanting some tall man to protect them and make them feel dainty, feminine or whatever somewhat troubling. I do not really need any man to make me feel feminine and I hate feelings of vulnerability. I would much prefer a guy that is strong mentally, morally and intellectually myself; in modern society physical strength is really not as important as the other kinds of strengths I feel.
I probably will not end up with a short man because I am tall myself and because short men get so much negative feedback from society they can be quite insecure and it seems from my experience, that nowhere does that insecurity rare its ugly head more than when they are in a relationship with a tall woman. If I met a shorter guy who was not all hung up on height generally or what height ratio society says men and women should have in a relationship and he was what I was looking for otherwise, then I sure as hell would not turn him down.