Do INFJs stay single longer than other personality types?

Once we are really set and care about a person, we truly mean it and we are in it for the long haul. It’s a double edged sword tbh.

NFJs are the type to commit to the core and stay with partners. We also crave understanding and deep connections. This means we are more likely to look for qualities that long-term relationships have, instead of having flings.

Well I met my wife over 50 years ago, and we had our 45th wedding anniversary last August - so I'm living proof that INFJs can form and keep stable relationships LOL. When I was young, I never simply went dating - the girls I did date were people I'd known among my circle of friends for at least several months, so I already knew them quite well, and that worked for me. The friendship was always more important to me than eros as a lead in.

If I'd suffered a few failures of very deep relationships I would almost certainly have stayed single rather than keep on flying into the candle flame.
@ClevelandINTP - Aside from a forum where INFJs congregate, the more INFJs you know, the higher the likelihood that some are mistyped. The type is rare.
A certain type of person, regardless of true MBTI type and cognitive function, wants to feel special and wants to be known for being rare, misunderstood, caring, deep, and empathetic.
It’s rare but there’s still a lot of them. Especially, females. I think I saw a thread here that showed INTP and INTJ females are more rare. That I agree with. Females are like 1/40 to put it in perspective. Good chance if you’re in a Target, there’s an INFJ. Compare that to an INTJ which is like 1/100. Let’s not act like they’re impossible to find
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so I’m trying to broaden my understanding and offer my perspective.
And in doing so, keeping in mind that the receiving person of this has different ways of perceiving your message than you, is conducive of mutual respect while reaching mutual understanding as well.
If you want to understand why INFJs don't like you, when you drone on about what INFJs are like, replace "INFJ" with any other group of people you are not a member of, and then say these generalizations to that new group of people. Observe how the new group of people react.
There is definitely some hurt feelings and misunderstanding going on here. Let's take a moment to breathe. Cleveland meant nothing by it, and you two are being rather rude to him over this. I'm not in total agreement with what he says by any means, but come on. It feels like you're taking this a bit too personally.
@Icedream - I'm not upset with @ClevelandINTP and I don't dislike him, but dude needs to understand how what he says to INFJs may not work in his favor. Currently, it seems to be a mystery to him why so many "INFJs" door slam him. When he isn't on the topic of INFJs and their penchant for door slamming he has some interesting things to say.
Ah, I see. In the context of all his posts, I definitely see where you're coming from. My mistake.

@ClevelandINTP If you want to exchange notes on INFJs, I'm likely the closest you can get to one without actually being INFJ. There are a lot of perspectives to learn from on this forum, and it might help you understand why INFJs haven't stayed long. If you ask me, it's probably just a bad matchup. Maybe too much emotional strain, or maybe you were never on the same page. Either way, this is the perfect place to learn about it. There are some fantastic non-INFJ members here too, if you need to know how to better hold a conversation with one.
So rather than forcing things with someone I don't feel strongly about, I remain single.....but I'm starting to feel really alone in that sentiment, and there aren't many people in my life currently that I can talk to about it or relate to. I guess I just wanted to know, is it common for INFJs to stay single longer than most other personality types? I'd love to hear thoughts from other single INFJs (or INFJs that went through really long stretches of being single). And any advice is appreciated!

I'm going to ignore all of the non-INFJ sidetalk here and respond to the OP with some generalizations and thoughts. I can relate to this. I do believe it likely that INFJs are more likely to stay single if they are already single. We also may be more likely to stay in a relationship if we are already in one. Staying single = because of a deep attachment to authenticity, a need for really soul-deep connection, need to have our type of intensity matched and returned in a healthy way, and perhaps a tendency to think we've made our interest clear enough when we haven't. All of these make the modern model of dating seem shallow and unsatisfying, and feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. Staying in a relationship = because we are extremely loyal and committed, we try to fix relationships from every angle and keep them working (and we're generally good at it), and we avoid conflict so we don't initiate breaking up lightly. Those are the reasons that come to mind.

I also think most people/personalities find the INFJ intensity a bit much to bear, at least the intensity that opens up when one is emotionally intimate with someone else and really feels safe opening up and lets the floodwaters out. That has been my experience throughout life. It takes someone pretty strong and deep to match that.

I say this as someone who was in a 22-year relationship/marriage that ended when he (INTP) left, and who has been single in the 8 years since. I had one deep, emotionally intense friendship (with a suspected INFJ) early on that was everything but sexual, and one two-night stand that was an interesting experiment but left me reeling with emotion for too many months, and since then nothing that would qualify as more than a deep and loving friendship.

So I'm single. But I do cultivate deep friendships and nurture them diligently and lovingly. I think many of my "relationship" needs are met pretty well by my friends, with the exception of sex and partnership. I deeply value my time alone. Once my kids grow up and move out, I'm looking forward to a stretch of time living ALONE. But eventually I expect I will get lonely and seek a partner. If I meet the right person, even now, I would be open to a relationship, but it just hasn't happened.

So far all of the men I've met who have been able to match my depth and intensity have been married or otherwise unavailable. There have certainly been a few, and with some I have had close friendships, but obviously nothing more.

A good friend once advised me to actively do the things I enjoy, and to find ways to connect with others over those interests, and you'll either meet someone compatible or you'll make a good community of friends or both. I think he's right. I can't think of a better approach for an INFJ. I don't think online dating seems helpful {shudder/twitch} and if I spend too much time introverting/hibernating, I don't meet anybody new and I thwart my own prospects.

Anyway, you're not alone. Best of luck to you...
@Icedream - I'm not upset with @ClevelandINTP and I don't dislike him, but dude needs to understand how what he says to INFJs may not work in his favor. Currently, it seems to be a mystery to him why so many "INFJs" door slam him. When he isn't on the topic of INFJs and their penchant for door slamming he has some interesting things to say.

Aww, thanks. How can I be myself without walking on eggshells around y’all? That’s the new learning. And only a few have slammed me but they’ve been super intense relationships. But yeah, I think INFJs tend to be a sensitive bunch. You’re giving me more proof. I know every type has their things, but this an an INFJ forum. I’m happy to take in all your INTP feedback because I really don’t care. If it’s valid, and I’m motivated and see the benefit, and it’s easy to implement, I’ll change my ways
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I'm going to ignore all of the non-INFJ sidetalk here and respond to the OP with some generalizations and thoughts. I can relate to this. I do believe it likely that INFJs are more likely to stay single if they are already single. We also may be more likely to stay in a relationship if we are already in one. Staying single = because of a deep attachment to authenticity, a need for really soul-deep connection, need to have our type of intensity matched and returned in a healthy way, and perhaps a tendency to think we've made our interest clear enough when we haven't. All of these make the modern model of dating seem shallow and unsatisfying, and feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. Staying in a relationship = because we are extremely loyal and committed, we try to fix relationships from every angle and keep them working (and we're generally good at it), and we avoid conflict so we don't initiate breaking up lightly. Those are the reasons that come to mind.

I also think most people/personalities find the INFJ intensity a bit much to bear, at least the intensity that opens up when one is emotionally intimate with someone else and really feels safe opening up and lets the floodwaters out. That has been my experience throughout life. It takes someone pretty strong and deep to match that.

I say this as someone who was in a 22-year relationship/marriage that ended when he (INTP) left, and who has been single in the 8 years since. I had one deep, emotionally intense friendship (with a suspected INFJ) early on that was everything but sexual, and one two-night stand that was an interesting experiment but left me reeling with emotion for too many months, and since then nothing that would qualify as more than a deep and loving friendship.

So I'm single. But I do cultivate deep friendships and nurture them diligently and lovingly. I think many of my "relationship" needs are met pretty well by my friends, with the exception of sex and partnership. I deeply value my time alone. Once my kids grow up and move out, I'm looking forward to a stretch of time living ALONE. But eventually I expect I will get lonely and seek a partner. If I meet the right person, even now, I would be open to a relationship, but it just hasn't happened.

So far all of the men I've met who have been able to match my depth and intensity have been married or otherwise unavailable. There have certainly been a few, and with some I have had close friendships, but obviously nothing more.

A good friend once advised me to actively do the things I enjoy, and to find ways to connect with others over those interests, and you'll either meet someone compatible or you'll make a good community of friends or both. I think he's right. I can't think of a better approach for an INFJ. I don't think online dating seems helpful {shudder/twitch} and if I spend too much time introverting/hibernating, I don't meet anybody new and I thwart my own prospects.

Anyway, you're not alone. Best of luck to you...

You guys are really intense. Sometimes it’s just too much for my tastes. I think the deep soul level connection is there, but yeah, chill out once in awhile
I like the approach of online dating and just taking Ws. Or just being naturally social and taking Ws. Then choose who you want to keep around and cultivate but you’ve already got the W. I’m aware that’s not a popular opinion. Taking as many Ws as possible is appealing to me. W nation

Like relationships are work. Ws are just fun. I can be single for a long time just getting by with Ws. Need a W fire up an app and give it a few days
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I like the approach of online dating and just taking Ws. Or just being naturally social and taking Ws. Then choose who you want to keep around and cultivate but you’ve already got the W. I’m aware that’s not a popular opinion. Taking as many Ws as possible is appealing to me. W nation

Like relationships are work. Ws are just fun. I can be single for a long time just getting by with Ws. Need a W fire up an app and give it a few days
i'm sorry but what do you mean by W? :sweatsmile: