Just a few comments:
corndogman said:
I think the reason democracy sucks is because it isnt natural.
Civilisation is not natural as well. It does not suck. Revolution is a product of free thinking and the masses think free through democracy. The rule of the stronger sucks too.
[In general] I do not see the controversy between us and them/the other in a democracy. Democracy is not about accepting everybody's views and keeping everybody happy. It is about giving the opportunity to everybody to have and demonstrate its own view and unhappiness.
Having different groups in a society is not a failure. Not winning is not a failure. Not having a universal perception of an issue is not a failure. Not having a view on an issue is a failure, even a scientific one.
Galileo said:
Democracy should be representative and people should have more power to say what they want to happen in their society.
Well said. In practice globalisation makes it impossible at the current stage. Plato said that the only solution is to train the experts at the top so that they be philosophers. Just commenting I do not have suggestions.
said: People suck at democracy. Or does Democracy suck at people?
Well, democracy is all about middle class. It is not applied in countries where there is no middle class. People in middle class suck more than charismatic people and less than totally dump people, but they are no better or worse of another class as a whole. The reason we choose this class is that because its interests are more beneficial to the survival of the city- or of the state as a whole. Some middle classes in some countries suck more than other middle classes in other countries.
In fact lot of people accuse nowadays democracy, and not for bad reasons. It's like a fashion to condemn the discriminations and imperialism. And sometimes ancient Greece (sorry for the reference I do come from Greece and I feel it's a pity that the world does not feel fashionable to talk about the advantages of being democratic and about fairness and isigoria like the good old days back in the 19th century). There is racism, women are inferior in lot of democracies, people do not vote, people have rights with no obligations and people have obligations with no rights. Current slavery is more subtle and wild. I do agree. But it's not the system's fault. It's the humans behind it. It's not the shape, it's the substance. The people are rotten not the ideas.
Democracy is not only who is on power but how we run our everyday business. It's not a matter of arithmetics, it comes with a balance of freedom and measure, rights and obligations.
I think Churchill said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried. That's true.
If there is a chance to educate the people is through democracy. I think the problem is that we combine democracy with the free market and people want to consume stupid things and so they are free to do. But in the rare case that people become clever it will be through democracy and it will be democracy that will work for them.
So Don't fight it, fight to improve it!
...OK, that was all for tonight... bye bye