I spent many years studying Astrology, attempting to discern its underlying foundations in order to be assured that what I was presenting to people was accurate and founded on solid facts. ( ...the Ti of my INFJ working overtime

After much study and deliberation, these are the problems I discovered with Astrology in genereal.
First, there are multiple schools of Astrology - Chinese, Vedic and Western currently being the most popular.
Neither of these three can be correlated with the others.
Vedic astrology uses a variation (...of calculation) of the Sidereal, or 'visible', Zodiac - that which one can see looking up at the night sky.
Western astrology, for the greater part, uses the Tropical Zodiac (...which always begins on the Spring Equinox), though some Western astrologers use the Sidereal zodiac.
These two zodiacs currently differ from each other by approximately 24 degrees, based on the 'axial precession of the equinoxes'.
Depending on your birth date, your Sun sign could differ.
As example, a person born on the 4th of August would be a Leo in the Tropical zodiac and a Cancer in the Sidereal zodiac.
All the other planets and major angles (Ascendant / Descendant and MC / IC) move accordingly, as well.
As example, one could be a Gemini rising in the Tropical zodiac and a Taurus rising in the Sidereal zodiac.
Some, or all, of one's Moon and planets could be in different signs in one or the other zodiac.
Both zodiacs are calculated on different starting points which are assumed to be correct by their respective practioners, though there is no supporting evidence that these starting points are relevant or even accurate.
So, which one is correct?
The Western definitions of the seven major planets are based on historical assumptions and beliefs dating back to Babylonian / Assyrian times.
The Vedic definitions, at their foundation, are supposedly older than that.
Zodiac definitions have altered over time depending on cultural biases and differing 'schools' of thought.
The definitions of the three newer planets are given by Western astrologers... but on what basis?
Chinese definitions are founded on yearly icons (Dragon, Pig, etc.) and elements (Fire, Water, etc.) and Lunar months as well as hours of the day - all of which use the same icons and elements as the yearly definitions.
How accurate, and relevant, are all these various and culturally unrelated definitions?
In both Western and Vedic astrology, as well as Chinese astrology, there are various methods of interpretation, as well - which I won't go into.
Which method of interpretation is correct?
There are approximately twenty different house systems in use in Western astrology. All differ from each other by calculation method, calculation starting point, and system of division. One's planets and MC / IC could be in different 'houses' (...or traditionally the start of the 10th house) in accordance with different calculation methods.
So, which one is correct?
The only '
facts' of Astrology I could discern are the measurable positions of the planets in relation to the Earth, the position of the Ascendant / Descendant, and the position of the MC / IC - and nothing else.
So, without any provable accurate foundation or definition in
any school of Astrology, how can
any resulting astrological aspects illuminating an individual's personality and future be accurate or even relevant?
...and don't get me started on Numerology.