Though I do not disagree with the above, I do not see its relevance to your former quote...
Why shouldn't someone who has the natural ability to provide insights because of the 'gift' of foresight be reasonably paid for their talents and abilities?
Why do you liken a person who has natural foresight to being 'greedy' and 'looking to make a fast buck'?
I had read the Tarot 'professionally' - tea rooms, cafes, etc. (...I do not do parties or groups) and consider my time and abilities to be worth some modicum of exchange, though ethically, if the cards 'say' nothing to me - for whatever reason - then I inform the person and accept no exchange whatsoever.
Being as the Tarot, and related subjects - such as symbols, archetypes, dreams, the unconscious, the Qaballah in relation to the Tarot, etc. - is what I spend the most of my time studying, this is my 'chosen profession'.
I am not "looking to make a fast $$$buck on anothers niaevites and vulnerabilities". In terms of MBTI, my innate Fe demands that I provide assistance to someone seeking clarification to questions or situations that concern their life. The Tarot is my chosen 'tool' in order to reflect the person's own clarification back to them. The person already knows the answers to questions or situations - one merely need to 'see' them, and the Tarot provides that by going deeper than the surface.
Also, my Ni demands I seek wisdom and truth - for myself and the world at large.
I did not consciously go out seeking the Tarot... in fact, I had not even thought about the subject or the occult or arcane in general. My first two Tarot decks were given to me by people I knew. This is what threw me into studying the Tarot, and its history, in depth. It was later when I was asked if I could read for a friend of someone I knew by that friend that I first read the Tarot for someone - and that person insisted that I receive money in exchange for the clarification.
My apologies to the O.P. for the tangent this thread has taken...
...I believe my previous post answered this question sufficiently.
And any further discussion on the subject of payment for natural abilities should probably be moved to a new thread.
This is my remarks/opinion regarding the issues in it's original context:
Yes, most readers have an intuitive filter or knowing to guide them through deciphering astrological actions. Astrology is a tool, useful as a guide to outline your current path. If one believes in reincarnation you can figure how many and when you were here before, what you have learned, and what you must learn in this life. Many "tools" such as astrology, water scrying, tea leaves, tarot, magic, runes, numerology, and many others were brought about as a means to make tangible the intangible. A form of "proof"."Knowing" is intangible and often unexplainable to some one who does not experience it.
Yes, this.

Find the validity of what is there in the reading. Ask how it fits you personally. A reading can be done for someone and you can bet with a bit of skepticism that someone will do the exact opposite of what is read for them.
Truth-This is where I get derailed. I've not understood why a person, if they truly have the gift of foresight, needs to be paid to give their insights. (?) Greed is a mighty powerful tool...Mutch heavier than any deviation one could muster.'s folks looking to make a fast $$$buck on anothers niaevites and vulnerabilities.
Many folks who seek out rag sheet horoscopes and charlatans should instead look within themselves...because there lies all they need no know.
"Many folks who seek out rag sheet horoscopes and charlatans should instead look within themselves...because there lies all they need no know."
I agree, to the OP an appology is due for the tail spin this thread has taken.
However, I do not understand how you twisted my opinion into a personal attack toward your abilities as a Tarot reader.
Please note this part in my quoted opinion:
...Many "tools" such as astrology, water scrying, tea leaves, tarot, magic, runes, numerology, and many others were brought about as a means to make tangible the intangible. A form of "proof"."Knowing" is intangible and often unexplainable to some one who does not experience it...
For those who are unable to "see", "read", or have the gift of "knowing", "second sight", clairvoyance, etc. These tools were designed by their originators to make thought (the intangible) come to light so they(the client) may "see" (tangible, for example the Four of Cups Tarot card, Or, Sun squared by Pluto) what it is the reader is trying to convey.
...Because there are bullshit con artists who take advantage of others' lack of knowledge in how these things(for example Horoscopes and Divination tools) work:
Many folks who seek out rag sheet horoscopes and charlatans should instead look within themselves...because there lies all they need no know.
Meaning: the client has the resources to seek truth in knowledge and not be taken advantage of.
...perhaps my statement was a bit over-the-top for some. However, it is my understanding that this forum and the threads within it (except for the selection of personal blogs) are just to exchange of opinion, ideas, thoughts and insights.
if the cards 'say' nothing to me - for whatever reason - then I inform the person and accept no exchange whatsoever.
Thank you for your ethics in what you do.
My comments were not directed as a personal attack toward any one for any purpose. My issue with being paid for claiming to be gifted lies on the desk of those that get paid for script reading or preplanned answers to folks that sincerely believe the person can help them in some way and have faith in that person to help them find an answer to their issue.
To respond to this request if one has the ability to do so, is and should be an act of kindness. When doing kindness there are no expectations of payment...if there is you are then doing business not kindness. I'm hopeful this clarifies things a bit better in regards to my postings. Perhaps the OP is not the only one due an appology?