I dont believe and all I have are demons.100% believe it.
100% believe that one day science will prove it.
200% believe that if I don't believe, I will be haunted.
I dont believe and all I have are demons.100% believe it.
100% believe that one day science will prove it.
200% believe that if I don't believe, I will be haunted.
I dont believe and all I have are demons.
Do you think science has found all there is to be found?
And if not, then how can you not believe in the possibility that it might find the existence of ghosts?![]()
There have actually been accounts of people who have had out of body experiences and have given accounts of details in adjoining rooms and information that they would have no logical reason for knowing….I can find some info on it if you are interested?It was ages ago when I read an article talking about a method to test the authenticity of those claims from people who say their soul seeped out of the body in emergency room floating above their own body before they were rescued back to regain conciousness. The idea is to hang a board with characters/patterns half way near the ceiling in the emergency room so if really any soul float in the air it would be able to see the characters/patterns and hopefully it could remember what it had seen after it's brought back into the body.
All these years, I have been curious thinking if any hospital really tried with it and any authenticity has been proved to show soul does exist...
There have actually been accounts of people who have had out of body experiences and have given accounts of details in adjoining rooms and information that they would have no logical reason for knowing….I can find some info on it if you are interested?
Oh yes…I know!There is some AMAZING and interesting research on this! It's actually pretty spectacular!
I didn’t get time yesterday to finish off what I wanted to say so here’s the second part of my post....sorry it's sooooo long!
I hold the view that we are spirit, have a soul & live in a body. SPIRIT (the area that gives us meaning & purpose, intuition etc), BODY (the physical part of a person), SOUL (consisting of the mind, conscience, intellect, will & emotions).
I've worked in the area of drug addiction, alcoholism, mental health & dealt with people from all walks of life (for over 10 years as a volunteer advocate). The one common theme that repeatedly keeps emerging is how these individuals have dabbled in occult practices & other areas that I'm not going to discuss here.
Before someone bites my head off - I wish to make it clear that I am not making a generalisation here! Every individual & their experiences are uniquely different so a certain amount of wisdom & discernment is required when making an assessment. With time & experience I think it becomes quite possible to distinguish eg say hallucinations or schizophrenia which is possibly linked to medication versus signs of spiritual activity. I guess this is where my intuition becomes most effective - difficult to explain.
I know some of you may be offended by what I'm saying & for that I apologise. Being popular isn't my thing - I care more about speaking & sharing that which I believe to be true.
I'm relatively new here compared to most of you "old timers" & I don't really KNOW most people on this forum. However what I can genuinely say is that I do care about y'all. If danger was present, I would want to warn you as an on-line friend so please don't be fooled into thinking that these practices are safe.
For eg, Yoga has been marketed to the Western world as a form of relaxation through exercise. While I do not deny that there are health benefits to yoga, what most people are unaware of is that yoga is deeply rooted in religion/spirituality ie Hinduism. The word yoga (means to be yoked with the divine). Yoga is initially promoted as gentle relaxation techniques which then progresses onto to "higher forms of consciousness."
I think it's possible to open up pathways by allowing things into your life (via your spirit, soul & body) through occult activities, drugs, reiki, yoga & yes freemasonry too! The list goes on...... Be sure that the pathway you are opening is not channelling negative psychic energy, spirits - please insert whatever terminology you want in this space.
You may have the feeling or impression that you are in control but don't be fooled. At some point when you go deeper there comes a sudden realisation that you are not in control.
We innocently reach out into the unknown sphere for different reasons ie dissatisfaction of life, personal curiosity, self-development, research, social pressure etc and we become oblivious to the dangers ahead. As a naturally nurturing INFJ, please try and examine the reasons for your exploration & be honest with yourself (not camouflaging your fears) and to think & feel and work through whatever process safely.
"There shall not be found among you anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord." (Deuteronomy 18:10-13)
I used to think that God was out to spoil my fun in telling me what I could & couldn't do. I had to go on my own personal journey before coming to the realisation that God was actually saying these things for my own protection.
You cannot deny the existence of the law of physics ie if you're going to jump out of a plane without a parachute then you're gonna come into contact with the law of gravity. Likewise there are spiritual laws and they too have consequences.
There is a sense of responsibility when you know something is harmful or dangerous and to share that with others. This is what I am doing. Of course it's only my opinion and all I'm doing is presenting that info to you.
Be careful - read everything there is about what you are getting involved in (not just the niceties) - generally you wouldn't take medication without knowing what the side effects/contra-indications are - right? Don't be sold a lie - do your own research. (Sorry to sound so INTJ).
I want to make one observation concerning the bible. The bible I am told is Gods word. If true, God the creator of all that is known who is itself all knowning and knowledgeable should be able to provide words that are true for all time. Words that never need to be reinterpreted or have their context revisited. The very fact this needs to be done shows that mankinds influence is all too real.Thanks for not biting my head off – I have a number of things I need to do and unable to function without the top part of my body being intact.
I don’t think I’ve ever read the words wounded penises, lacking testicles, adultery, impregnation, divorce, remarrying, witches, salves, cursing, death, women being unclean and not being in a position of authority over men ALL in one paragraph (not heard the one about the bastard child entering a church before – obviously I wasn’t paying attention!). Yes there are some controversial, stimulating and challenging topics which make for an interesting discussion. Leviticus is probably one of the books in the bible that I found extremely hard to get my head around (not mentioning the book of Numbers/Chronicles which feels a bit like reading a telephone directory!).
I certainly would reject the bible too if it was not for the fact that the text needs to be examined within the framework in which it was written ie the context, culture, history, language etc. The text as it stands of course will appear quite bizarre, irrelevant and can I say a little insane - but that’s for another thread and for another time.
I think we can both agree that everyone struggles with life not just the “undesirables” - some more than others. I’ve worked in the corporate sector for many years and I can say that no one (including CEO’s, VP’s or Chief Exec’s) is immune to life and all its trappings. “Life happens” to us all irrespective of social status, class, nationality, experience or background.
The point I was trying to make (obviously not very well) is that there’s a difference between investigating a subject out of personal interest ie you are in a good place, able to weigh the pros and cons and process the information intelligently. The individuals I’m referring to are the ones who just readily accept and don’t bother to do a thorough investigation of the matter. Some are just ignorant, others who have lost hope in themselves, some as you mentioned who are desperately seeking to regain some form of control, often consumed with anxiety, going head first into a crisis, desperate and looking for answers and these are the people I’m thinking about. This is when we are most vulnerable. I can’t really explain it in any other way than to say that I feel an enormous desire to protect them from a sense of danger. I’m very much aware of my own projections and transferences – there’s something else – something about sensing danger before it happens. It is heart breaking dealing with the aftermath but ultimately there isn't anything I can do apart from warning people and being there to support them.
Did my post come across as though I was frightened of these things? As I mentioned, I have had experience and initially it was alarming but that was my first ever encounter so I guess that was expected – the shock factor has now dissipated.
Re: Yoga – I did state that it has health benefits as do other forms of meditation. The objection I have with yoga is the way in which it is “sold” or “presented” as a form of exercise rather than for what it really embraces. I dislike any kind of promotion that is not transparent and serves to manipulate people – it’s a strong force within my personality (not sure if it’s an INFJ thing) as I have an incredible sense of injustice.
I didn't realise your thread was specifically concentrating on the science aspects of psychic phenomena – I thought it was a general question about ghosts, psychic activity which I tend to view within the realm of the supernatural/spirituality.
I don't expect other people to come to the same conclusion as I have come to. I'm not an enforcer - I respect that we all have different views about religion, beliefs etc & everyone should have the freedom to express their opinion – what I was attempting to put forward was the importance of keeping oneself safe while on their personal journey/experiment of discovery etc