I do feel uninteresting. . . at times.
Doesn't help that my definition of interesting is that. . . if you are interesting, people will initiate conversations with you, without you doing any leg-work. . . not a very realistic definition, ne?
Ano. . . I do initiate most conversations that I have. . . unless I have a very talkative friend, and they haven't talked to anyone for awhile, and I just happen to be the first person they come across to vent their pent up talk. . . I'm a good listener, apparently.
Like some of the other people on here who replied to this topic, I feel that, if i stop actively initiating social interactions with other people, that they'll forget about me completely, and I'll . . . I'm afraid I won't have any friends anymore if I stop. . .and as I have very few friends already, that is a great fear of mine.
But it's also a great fear of mine that I'll lose my friends if I keep talking too much to them. . .
bleh. . . relationships are confusing
Doesn't help that my definition of interesting is that. . . if you are interesting, people will initiate conversations with you, without you doing any leg-work. . . not a very realistic definition, ne?
Ano. . . I do initiate most conversations that I have. . . unless I have a very talkative friend, and they haven't talked to anyone for awhile, and I just happen to be the first person they come across to vent their pent up talk. . . I'm a good listener, apparently.
Like some of the other people on here who replied to this topic, I feel that, if i stop actively initiating social interactions with other people, that they'll forget about me completely, and I'll . . . I'm afraid I won't have any friends anymore if I stop. . .and as I have very few friends already, that is a great fear of mine.
But it's also a great fear of mine that I'll lose my friends if I keep talking too much to them. . .
bleh. . . relationships are confusing