Ok owl
Ok owl
So it is personal and you don't actually care what he has to say? Got it.Well, someone who has such a shitty opinion of humanity in general like he said is a loser for that, and if he doesn’t have a job then I’m going to poke at him for it. Like I said, I don’t even know him. So now I’m saying it. But I didn’t even look at his circumstances in detail either as it was TLDR...
Nobody is allowed to be upset about anything that you also went through without your permission, got it.but tbh, again, I have experience being foreign and having trouble with getting a job, yet I’m not whining about it here. And it’s ironic because this person on the surface represents exactly what they’re condemning others for.
You're projecting so hard you could point yourself at a wall and show a powerpoint presentationI don’t think you would even care about my understanding or not.
Umm... no, it’s not personal. Except for my apology to him which is?So it is personal and you don't actually care what he has to say? Got it.
Nobody is allowed to be upset about anything that you also went through without your permission, got it.
You're projecting so hard you could point yourself at a wall and show a powerpoint presentation
Don't be silly. You made @ReasonEnduring look like a silly prick and he isn't. I wanted to correct that balance. I wanted to flag an issue that happens all too often when people are goaded/bullied into making themselves look a certain way. You needed to apologise. Those are my reasons and they are very clear.Also, I’m not even sure why you brought it up @Deleted member 16771 but I am also aware that almost nobody gives a shit about me anymore or knows who I am on here, nor do I know or really remember who anybody else is, which is actually what makes it more entertaining for me to post on here.
Lol, you need to stop that. It makes you look like a silly prick.Don’t worry, I won’t social climb to the point where I take away your sturdy position on this relatively unknown Internet forum.
A couple of thoughts .....
Surely your INTP is behaving typically. Inferior Fe isn’t easy to control by definition. INTPs have a profound depth of feeling but have a degree of difficulty and awkwardness in accessing and processing it. On the other hand their intellectual depth is maybe the deepest of all the types and will go far deeper than most feelers can access or understand.
A refusal to engage is not necessarily a symptom of emotional superficiality though. There are many comments in the forum that show how empathic people can run into severe boundary problems when out of compassion they let other people’s emotionally disturbed needs become their own. This can lead to mental health problems. We have to learn to shut out the emotional racket that’s going on all around us and only see deeply when we choose to. That can look like shallowness from the outside, but what you would be seeing is a boundary not the core.
Something to watch is the way Fi can distort our judgement if it isn’t high up in our stack. It colours all our thinking with oughts that are projected onto people around us, and sits as a subtext under the things we do and say. It stops us from seeing other people as they are, only as we think they should be.
Agreed.To each their own, let’s leave it at that.
Considering how you painted your friend here with the brush of “can never be a silly prick, ever, and anyone who accidentally makes them look that way is toxic, and I’m just gonna go ahead and scream at them for being a toxic Karen”, I don’t believe that. From what I’ve observed of you, I think you have kind of extreme or hot and cold impressions of others based on your attachments towards them. This is a bit weird because it’s an Internet forum and therefore it’s impossible to have a deep understanding of others on here unless you’ve been talking to them for years along with video chat or have met them in IRL. I don’t think this is a bad thing per se, but I think it’s useful to know about yourself and how you come across.You were hilarious, though, I grant you that, and we're all dicks sometimes absolutely, so be assured that this won't stick to you for me.
The trouble is that the word ‘feel’ is overworked - we could do with three or four words to split out these meanings. I’ll explore a bit and see where it goes."INTPs have a profound depth of feeling" - I want to believe that but am not sure it's true. We actually had a debate once, and if I remember correctly, some people argued that INTPs are the most "feely" of all thinking types. Of course we would have to define "feely" but yes, in some ways I agreed. Maybe "sensitive" would be a better word, although not the right one either.
But in terms of depth of feeling, I pretty much agree with the stereotypes about INTPs.
I realise more and more though, that sometimes the position of a certain function in a stack does not reflect its strength. For example, from my perspective, INFP can often be more "logical" than INFJ, despite INFJ having Ti higher and INFP are supposed to be the weakest at it. There is something stubborn about INFJ's Ti - unwilling to back down and admit a mistake.
Similarly INTJ and INTP. I think INTJ definitely have deeper feelings but in any other way, INTPs can appear more feely (warmth, compassion, softness etc.).
Well, I guess this is already included in the distinction between Fe/Fi and Te/Ti. So nothing new here, really.
Thanks.Considering how you painted your friend here with the brush of “can never be a silly prick, ever, and anyone who accidentally makes them look that way is toxic, and I’m just gonna go ahead and scream at them for being a toxic Karen”, I don’t believe that. From what I’ve observed of you, I think you have kind of extreme or hot and cold impressions of others based on your attachments towards them. This is a bit weird because it’s an Internet forum and therefore it’s impossible to have a deep understanding of others on here unless you’ve been talking to them for years or have met them in IRL. I don’t think this is a bad thing per se, but I think it’s useful to know about yourself and how you come across.
You’re welcome! Thanks for calling me a toxic bitch earlier too!Thanks.
I literally meant it. I'll take all personal observations of me and try to integrate them. There is no subtext here.You’re welcome! Thanks for calling me a toxic bitch earlier too!
*Imagines self walking into a huge Costco warehouse and seeing it totally empty except for a single plastic kiddie pool sitting there deflated on the ground*
That’s how I feel about INFJs and trying to comprehend their depth. I’m not necessarily sure if they’re deeper or more shallow, just more confusing.
I think you are right on hereOh...INFJs(real ones) are pretty deep. (Just read some of the shit by Dostoevsky to get an idea - or read stuff posted here by @John K ) but they're actually not the ones to go to for emotional "feely-wheely" stuff. Naw, that's the INFPs(think lovely dreamy stuff) and ENFJs(think bravado, soap opera, or just opera) territory. INFJs (along with ENFPs) got some wacky shape-shifting blow-the-lid-off your head kind of insight and ideas about things that will shake your belief and your mind and rattle your brain. And they can do it in a "cool" way, or you'll just get all offended and turn away like most sheepish people.
I type Dostoevsky Fi Ne, just a more serious variety.Oh...INFJs(real ones) are pretty deep. (Just read some of the shit by Dostoevsky to get an idea - or read stuff posted here by @John K ) but they're actually not the ones to go to for emotional "feely-wheely" stuff. Naw, that's the INFPs(think lovely dreamy stuff) and ENFJs(think bravado, soap opera, or just opera) territory. INFJs (along with ENFPs) got some wacky shape-shifting blow-the-lid-off your head kind of insight and ideas about things that will shake your belief and your mind and rattle your brain. And they can do it in a "cool" way, or you'll just get all offended and turn away like most sheepish people.
You say that like you know me! Amazing. I could totally be inherently toxic, couldn’t I? This kind of a set decision with limited information is a little bit weird to me, to be honest.I literally meant it. I'll take all personal observations of me and try to integrate them. There is no subtext here.
I'm sorry about the 'toxic bitch' comment, let me clarify: the behaviour was toxic in my view; you are not intrinsically toxic.
That's interesting, can you quote Jung on that (I'm curious about all of those power-hungry and "out-of-control" INFJs)?.Jung said the inferior Se can make them really out of control like that.
“The introverted intuitive’s chief repression falls upon the sensation of the object. His unconscious is characterized by this fact. For we find in his unconscious a compensatory extraverted sensation function of an archaic character. The unconscious personality may, therefore, best be described as an extraverted sensation-type of a rather low and primitive order. Impulsiveness and unrestraint are the characters of this sensation, combined with an extraordinary dependence upon the sense impression. This latter quality is a compensation to the thin upper air of the conscious attitude, giving it a certain weight, so that complete ‘sublimation’ is prevented. But if, through a forced exaggeration of the conscious attitude, a complete subordination to the inner perception should develop, the unconscious becomes an opposition, giving rise to compulsive sensations whose excessive dependence upon the object is in frank conflict with the conscious attitude. The form of neurosis is a compulsion-neurosis, exhibiting symptoms that are partly hypochondriacal manifestations, partly hypersensibility of the sense organs and partly compulsive ties to definite persons or other objects.”That's interesting, can you quote Jung on that (I'm curious about all of those power-hungry and "out-of-control" INFJs)?
Why do you type Dostoevsky INFP?