@ReasonEnduring imagine being a disenfranchised person. Or someone struggling and learning that someone wants to help you, but only because you're stupid and screwing up the planet. Nobody wants to be anyone's project. I think your ambition to make the world a better place is noble, but it matters how you view and relate to those you serve.
I know. But these days I just see more and more... negativity. Perhaps I was being too sweeping in my generalisation but I see a lot of people being deliberately antagonistic against other individuals. Also living for today, complaining "I can't go outside to the beach because of Coronavirus! Fuck the old people and sick people! My needs are greater! I need 10,000 rolls of loo roll and 20,000 diapers because screw my fellow man, I have needs! Why am I getting a fine for not wearing a mask outside?! This is Authoritarianism! Dictators! The [Ideological Opposite] are monsters who kill babies!"
I may have been sweeping but I was attacking the idea of a statistical average, rather than an individual.
Ironically, the attacking Lady in question continues to prove my point that people perfect to attack individuals rather than engage with them and show why they are wrong.
This may be arrogance but I AM smarter than the average person. Its not because I was born a superior being, I was just lucky with the events in my life.
I had a good home, reasonably good parents, a good education, a loving extended family.
I am better informed, I am better educated, I am more empathetic. It doesn't mean the average person cannot match or surpass me. Infact I wish one day they would.
But it takes investment in people. And these days rather than invest in making people better, most people just want to shout others down.
I would never say to someone I'm helping 'I'm smarter than you, you're dumb.'
I'm not an asshole, despite what many people think.
But knowing what other people DON'T know or understand, KNOWING what they need to improve their lives and the lives of others around them will help me help them.
I want other people to have the LUCK that I had to be smarter, better people.
But that doesn't happen on its own, and by acknowledging that a Laissez Faire approach to other people doesn't make the world a better place we can see, okay, what do people NEED to know, how do we NEED people to act to make the world better.
I am lucky enough to have the tools to help other people, and I will. Provided the constant attacks from others don't kill my faith in humanity so much I say "Fuck it, I'll just look after my own." Which would be very easy to do, because who wants to do the right thing when people constantly attack you.
Actually very goddamn jealous, nice dude!
Thank you. I got it several years ago and its a bit niche but one day I'll find a use for it.
AI has helped me gain a better understanding of how brains are form and shaped my view of how humans act.
Give bad inputs you get a bad output. Beat a child regularly and abuse them and they're probably become a criminal.
Give good inputs you get a better output.
Just need to change the weights where the input isn't clean, such as real life.