Do you get on with INFP friends and family?


Hello all

I have an INFP sis and we have a strange relationship we get on ok for the majority of times but then explode at each other intermittently.

Seems we are like two bodies that approach then skew off in various directions just as we are about to meet.

She drives me mad when I try to get a straight answer out of her to schedule meals make plans etc.. She drives me up the wall if she doesn't or can't be bothered to clean up after herself or do something which would simply seem obvious or make sense to me or be courteous. We also can't have an argument before she puts up a wall with the usual phrase of 'I can't be bothered to speak' or uses garbage logic.

I'm sure I irritate her also. She hates me 'prodding' her for firm answers. She doesn't like to be challenged. She is happy with the state of affairs of - if she can't be bothered then she can't be bothered. She also thinks I'm non-concrete and my insecurity/self-doubt drives her up the wall.

Does this sound familiar?
I have an INFP sister and we have been best friends most of our lives. There has been only one incident of profound miscommunication which I think was resolved.
Sorry I should have added she is my best friend too and I love her to bits - hence adding to the paradox - I should have also said I mean day to day living/tussles not falling out for life arguments.

Hope I make sense.
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Sorry I should have added she is my best friend too and I love her to bits - hence adding to the paradox - I should have also said I mean day to day living/tussles not falling out for life arguments.

Hope I make sense.
I probably should have given more detail, but I end up regretting every time I type something personal. I got what you wrote here from your OP. Recently there were also some complaints on the forum about INFPs which I felt badly about contributing towards because they are a varied bunch, and I'm not a big fan of some of the negative MBTI generalities.

I do think INFJ/INFP is an interesting dynamic much like two variations on the same melody.
I'm sorry if I hit a nerve - I'm new to this forum and am unaware of it's history.

I don't mean it in a serious way. I'm not trying to slag off INFPs in general I think they are lovely as is my sis.

I dont think any type is better or worse than the other and we all have shortcomings. I hasten to add that if I were to or could choose to be any type I may not choose INFJ given the difficulties I have had due to personality issues.

I would also like to add my OP was based on my own experiences not stereotypes even though they may overlap. As my OP pointed to I perhaps am overly anal with my scheduling and can be very picky/ bossy but not with mal-intent.

Perhaps I should scrap this thread I dont want to add to any disharmony :-( Sorry
No, don't scrap it! :o

I have an INFP friend who I vaguely get on with. She's great to talk to about hobbies and stuff, but terrible as soon as her opinion's needed (she hates committing to a side, an issue I used to have too).
It leads to me getting a bit frustrated, but as she's my friend and not my sister, I can avoid her for a little while to let myself get over it and move on. I don't see her as much as I used to, so we get into awkward situations less.
It just seems like INFJs are more... definite maybe? INFPs like to keep their options open as far as I've seen.
My sister is also an INFP, and I love her more than anything. We usually understand each other remarkably well and we can talk endlessly. If we have disagreements it's always about stupid unimportant stuff, little things we differ in, and it's solved 2 minutes later. It rarely happens though, we know each other quite well, and know exactly how far we can go.
One of my best friends is an INFP, and I love her to pieces. We are quite different, and it's kind of funny sometimes, but we get along. I like that I can confide in her, I feel like I can tell her my secrets and be understood. She's also eight years older than me, so maybe that's why we get on so well.
I have a younger sister that Is an INFP. Me and her are very close, I can tell her anything and she won't judge me nor tell anyone. We share a similar sense of humor. She doesn't talk much and she relies on me to talk for her in public places.

However its hard for me to tell her to do things such as cleaning or answering the telephone. I often have to keep an eye out for her when she tries to do things such as crossing the road. All she does is sleep all day and its a mission to get her out of bed and make sure shes ready to go to school. Often she forgets things.

But otherwise besides that shes all good. :m052:
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"I have a younger sister that Is an INFP. Me and her are very close, I can tell her anything and she won't judge me nor tell anyone. We share a similar sense of humor. She doesn't talk much and she relies on me to talk for her in public places.

However its hard for me to tell her to do things such as cleaning or answering the telephone. I often have to keep an eye out for her when she tries to do things such as crossing the road. All she does is sleep all day and its a mission to get her out of bed and make sure shes ready to go to school. Often she forgets things.

But otherwise besides that shes all good. :m052:"

That is the cutest story I have heard in a while - really sweet, I'm touched :m057:
So many of my friends are infp...

Yeah, we tend to agree on most things, but you can distinguish our differences, because I tend to be a bit more serious and strict with myself.
My sister is an INFP too, and when we get passed the shyness (we have a fairly big age gap and don't see each other that often) we get along great.

I also have a LOT of INFP friends. A lot. Sometimes they annoy me seeing things in black and white too much, but then my ENFJ best friend does that too. Sometimes I catch myself thinking that idealists are a bit stupid. Haha.

I like their creative side and carefreeness though, I find I am too tense myself often and it helps having Ps around.
lol you people are lucky to actually meet INFP's for that matter...I don't know many INXX people where I live.. I guess I need to move or try try to be more friednly xD..I only know 1 other INXX type and that's an INTP...though we barely talk..when we do it can be interesting, everybody else seems or is clearly a ESXX.
no...i very recently said they scare me a little...