Do you like being looked at or admired (physically)?

Yeah, I also like it when it is accompanied by sex afterwards.
I used to dress in a way to not bring any attention to myself, negative or positive, so decently dressed but nothing flashy or attention grabbing, because I didn't really want to stand out in any way.
Now I dress in ways that get me noticed. I decided to flaunt it while I still had it, nothing too revealing just more eye-catching and figure flattering. So, yes I enjoy being looked at and admired now. In the past if someone had been looking at me my first thought would have been that they were thinking something negative. Now I assume it's positive, if it isn't it doesn't matter because the perceived admiration boosted my mood anyways. :)
Swap the two men's stares in the photos, I think you'll find your creep-o-meter is based more on looks than attitude.

I think it takes both the looks and the right expression. If Rob Ford was looking at me with the same expression as Ryan Gosling I would still be creeped out (it's Rob Ford after all). Also, though, if Ryan Gosling had the same expression as Rob Ford I would assume that he was high on something and I would be creeped out no matter how good looking he was.
I did for a while. It's comforting when someone says I have a beautiful body, especially since I'm not completely confident in it yet. But physical appearance compliments don't work on me very well anymore. It's just an acknowledgement that I'm doing something right, and I still appreciate that. I prefer personality reads, when someone picks up something about me that I didn't purposefully show.
Depends on my mood, but usually not, unless it's only a glance. If I'm in a relaxed sort of mood, it doesn't really bother me at all, though it makes me think they may be missing an appreciation of people for things besides the physical.

I'd like to think that I'm interesting and not just my body. I guess it's only leering.
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Men tend to take long looks at what they find sexually appealing. Some are better at being discrete, others deliberately lack discretion. Women, for the most part are well schooled in not letting on that they like what they see. I have gone through most of my life believing myself somewhat bland to the eye, occasionally a woman(usually a cousin or a friend) will tell me, or my spouse, that I am handsome. :)
I have no problem with making eye contact but Urgh! No! Not the kind when someone is trying to catch your eye for "other" reasons...I get very self-conscious.
They say silence is golden. Had a young lady at a gun show keep showing up right in front of me, and I was alone like she appeared. Loved her camo dress. Even heard someone in the background state how stupid I was not noticing she wanted to talk and such. She never said a word, as I didn't say a word. Pretended I was leaving and she moved next to the way out. Turned the other way. Walked a few steps and turned around and she was staring at me. I looked at her with a fixed stare somehow letting her know how married I was and walked away. She left.

Couldn't help but wonder what she wanted, though. Has I been single, it would have been quite nice.
I very much like being looked at and admired, but in moderation. I tend to be more modest and keep what I was blessed with covered, yet I still where things that tell you and let everyone know I have them if they look. I like people aknowledging my best features whatever they see them to be, but not necessarily oogling over them.
I always like it when my existence is acknowledged.

Admiring someone doesn't necessitate being creepy/disruptive. These are unrelated phenomena.
When I look good and know I look good, then yeah. Being in that situation brings out the ENTJ in me and I suddenly become a charming sonabitch.
Men tend to take long looks at what they find sexually appealing.

Time to stare at every good looking man to see if he's longingly checks me out!

...wait...would that make ME creepy?
Time to stare at every good looking man to see if he's longingly checks me out!

...wait...would that make ME creepy?

If you are comfortable with that avatar, I wouldn't worry about it.
When women look at me, I can't help it - a switch flips on that automatically sends out a reciprocal respectful acknowledgment. I would lie if I said I don't enjoy the dynamic.

When other men look at me there is also an automatic response: either some sort of 'don't you f**ing look at me'; or an acknowledgment of an equal. The former bugs me; the latter is kind of comforting in a comradery kind of way.

Half the time, however, I am consciously keeping a poker face.
For various reasons, i used to not like any attention. I also believed myself to be more or less unattractive. And i didnt worry about this or about getting attention, because no one really looked at me anyway.
But i was a hipocrite because i used to enjoy looking at others and was occasionally a total pervert.
And i was allowing my attachment and non forgiveness of the past to stop me enjoying my life, my spirit, to the fullest
I've gotten over all of that, so now i look and admire myself physically, as well others. I dont care who looks or what they think, because i know we are One
I dont like things to be focussed around the body, or sex, because there is much more to life. I dont really care about what anyone looks like, we're all the same and everyone is beautiful. I like looking at everyone. im more interested in their mind for friendship than i am in their body for sex. Eye contact is really important to me.

But there is definately a time and place for everything
Depends on my mood, but usually not, unless it's only a glance. If I'm in a relaxed sort of mood, it doesn't really bother me at all, though it makes me think they may be missing an appreciation of people for things besides the physical.

I'd like to think that I'm interesting and not just my body. I guess it's only leering.

Even deep and thoughtful people who are most attracted by what is inside a person would still be first attracted by what is outside. That's human nature. People shouldn't be discounted as shallow just because they might admire how somebody looks. People are attracted by different things and not necessarily the body, the way somebody walks or carries themselves can make me take a look, or something that they are wearing that I like. I always take a second look at guys wearing glasses. It makes them look smart, although I realize that is a shallow judgement and you can be dumb and wear glasses.
I like it when I know I look good :D with my hair and make-up done and in pretty clothes and heels, yes.

If I'm going home from work, my hair is messy, my contacts make my eyes red, I just want to get into bed and sleep and I catch someone looking, I want to crawl under a rock and die.
as a guy, it's rare (not sure if i'd notice) so i'd have to say probably.

it's awkward though, when you're in the gym, and a group of people walks on the other side of the glass (outside the gym) and stares inside like it's a zoo.

stare back.. You like dem guns? Yeah ya do...
as a guy, it's rare (not sure if i'd notice) so i'd have to say probably.

it's awkward though, when you're in the gym, and a group of people walks on the other side of the glass (outside the gym) and stares inside like it's a zoo.

stare back.. You like dem guns? Yeah ya do...


I just call that "shopping" when i do it!