Do you like being PMed?

I like to send them when I want to make a comment directed to an individual that posted in a thread, but my comment would be off topic or be construde as hijacking the thread.
PMs are great. They let you continue in a conversation where you can focus on someone else in particular ( or yourself ;p ) . Just like pulling someone aside at a party.
Yea I love them, as long as it's not spam or something with a bad motive/drama oriented.

I very rarely get them though.

I also enjoy wall posts, which is more frequent.
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I like the idea that we can PM each other, though to me it can be as intimidating as approaching someone I don't know and attempting to strike up conversation in real life, which I'm too shy to do.

When I was new to the boards I remember sending a pm to a member who had given me a reputation point, thanking them for it and complimenting them in turn. Though it was well-received I remember that curiously this member (of the opposite sex) casually mentioned that she was already satisfied in a committed relationship. This surprised me as it seemed to be mentioned apropos of nothing and so I got it in my head that pm's in general might not be quite so casual as they initially appeared. Though I'm now convinced that this is not necessarily the case throughout the boards, it did increase my skittishness about sending pm's to people, and consequently I rarely receive them myself.

That aside, I do like the fact that we can send private messages. As stimulating as the discussion forums can be, I find that in spite of the abundance of shared opinions and confidences, there's something that is still quite impersonal about them as though we're all pouring our thoughts into a void. Although there's plenty of interaction and banter, imho there still is a tangible lack of real connection that is not satisfied in all the agreements, disagreements, and general contributions of each respective member's 2 cents.

As I've come gradually to this current outlook, and as life has gotten busier, my participation has dropped off. At the same time, I really don't know how I would initiate a conversation via pm anyway, or what the hell I would want to know about my fellow members in the first place. Either way, I think it's good that the option is there.
Mine all tend to be of a serious nature, the chatty topics are generally limited to the VMs where it's more one on one, but I don't really care if it's public or not.
I like PMs a lot. I almost never initiate them because I always think someone's going to be tiffed that I am taking up their inbox space. I don't know why I have that mentality. I usually let people come to me first. I'm not typically a shy person. Sometimes there are people I want to talk to but I am a really terrible initiator.
i have such an urge to pm everyone in this thread, but my shy side holds me back ><
I like the idea that we can PM each other, though to me it can be as intimidating as approaching someone I don't know and attempting to strike up conversation in real life, which I'm too shy to do.

^ That's how I feel. Shyness aside, I do like them.
I enjoy getting PM's for sure. It allows me to have deeper conversations with people and get to know them on a personal level. It always makes me smile when someone PM's me. That being said aroudn 2/3rds of my PM's are admin duty related stuff though.
Yea I love them, as long as it's not spam or something with a bad motive/drama oriented.

I very rarely get them though.

I also enjoy wall posts, which is more frequent.

How can you tell if something has a bad motive?
Isn't that a little bit rude?
PMs are fine. I don't have any disinclination towards them.
I use them fairly regularly when I don't feel the need to
talk about things viewably by others. but I'm a bit paranoid.
I like PMs a lot. I almost never initiate them because I always think someone's going to be tiffed that I am taking up their inbox space. I don't know why I have that mentality. I usually let people come to me first. I'm not typically a shy person. Sometimes there are people I want to talk to but I am a really terrible initiator.

Sandra's always taking up my inbox space :(
I love PMs but almost never get them. But then again.. I almost never send them either so I guess I should expect to get any.

Yeah yeah... "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!" *che*
I love PMs but almost never get them. But then again.. I almost never send them either so I guess I should expect to get any.

Yeah yeah... "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!" *che*
I prefer PM's to posting in threads. I like that it's one-on-one communication and that I can say more than I would say in a regular forum post.
So, while i'm waiting for people to PM me, because i really want the attention and adoration which comes with it :D j/k, it's nice to have the ability to get to know someone one on one. I think there's an immediacy about communication that i like compared to delayed comms such as PMs; that sense of waiting for a response.