Do you like your voice?

+1. I think it's too soft. I don't really care for the soft tone, as too many people treat it as a sign of a weaker personality or less confidence. Sometimes, there's the sense that i'm treated like a child/young adult because of it. I wasn't aware how much until recently.

This is how I feel about my voice too.
I don't even really know what my voice sounds like. I hate hearing it recorded. I don't actually talk thaaat much so I don't know.
No. I really sound retarded.
And I always overestimate the power of my voice. When I want to say "Hi!" it usually sounds like "heeii". It often gets confused with shyness. It's annoying. xD
I used to sort of like it, since a perennial cold had kept it pleasantly deep from the early 00's up 'til recently. It varies a lot depending on the situation in which I use it, but sometimes it borders on whiny, now. I really want a good voice though; together with legs, it's one of the most important factors of attractiveness IMO.
I'm soft spoken. I try talking to others but they think
I'm only talking to myself.
nope, its higher than i'd like it to be, and i wish i could sing really well
Hate it. Pondered about vocal surgery, but then i found out if i did that then i could never tell anyone because my insecurity would be known to the world.

Now its only known to myself, and those that read.

And i just can't get enough.
My voice is between deep and soft, add to that a pinch of a foreign twist and you have my voice.
I felt cheated on, after hearing what it really sounds like recorded. Slutvoice....
So, do you like your voice? - Tone, pitch, quality, loudness, softness, etc.

If yes, why?

If not, why? What would you change about it?

I used to dislike my voice when I was younger. My voice has a pretty rich and deep tonal quality for a female, and I guess I didn't like the fact that I sounded so much different than my female classmates who had more 'girlier' voices than I. Now I don't mind it so much. I like that it differentiates me and it's one of the first things that people compliment me on. My housemate's brother used to joke about calling the apartment, hoping that I'd pick up.

I also have not met one person who hasn't at one point in time told me that I sound like I should be a radio personality.

But other people's reactions aside, I like the way that it sounds in my head and I'm actually one of those people who doesn't mind hearing themselves on camera. I think it's got a pretty commanding presence and I can get behind that.

What I don't like about it is how sometimes it quivers when I get nervous, or the fact that I have very weak vocal control when it comes to singing. I can't hold a note worth peanuts. That's one thing I wouldn't mind changing about it, but it's nothing I despair over, really.
I don't have a bad voice, per say, but I'm not quite sure that it fits who I am. It's a little to high-pitched and girly for my liking. But I'm stuck with it so I can deal.
I am a 24-year-old woman from north england brought up in a working class home. To me, my voice represents this.

Until I hear it back on tape.

And then I realise I sound like a 40-year-old southern upper middle class toff.

Always had a posh voice! Hate it! My voice is also quite low for a woman, which makes me sound older.
In normal contexts it's soft and contralto-y. A little airy, brittle. But warm.

When I get excited though I sound like the ditziest little twit. Meh :|
Not really no. Also I am pretty sure I have a lisp. Ugh.
I have a soft voice, and I think it gives me a certain impression which people associate with personality. It sometimes, cool to have it, but sometimes, it makes me wonder whether anyone takes me seriously unless I'm using a stronger tone.
my voice is very deep and i do not like it at all.
i have been mistaken for a man over the phone which really pisses me off lol
no, I don't. People have mentioned at times that they like my voice. hate hearing my voice.
God no, I can't record myself anymore... it's abysmal. Though I suppose it sounds alright in my head... I guess.
My voice booms accordingly. It serves me well at readings.

I heard there are two ways to improve one's voice if it's too soft/weak aside from confidence and projection:

-Repeat the alphabet three to five times, starting with your normal pitch and going lower with each pass. Do this once or twice a day.
-Scotch and cigarettes.