whenever I open up to someone I become very vulnerable, I get easily hurt and will easily lose myself in this person, it becomes hard to know who I am, what my thoughts are and instead on focusing on myself, I focus on the other persons needs. It is hard to find a balance between opening myself up enough to feel and show my love and not bringing myself to much in risk of losing my sense of self.
I think ACD is right on. Accepting yourself the way you are seem to be the only way to not lose yourself in a relationshiop because if you are comfortable with who you are, you don't feel the need of changing yourself since you only change the parts you think or not ok. It is indeed not that easy and takes a lot of time of correcting yourself every time you think ill of yourself. I'm trying to do the same thing with myself now and I can already see great progress. Every time I think I made a mistake or that I'm not good enough I remind myself that it is not true. And deep down I KNOW that in the end I'm perfect the way I am, and that I only think I'm not ok because i believe society thinks this way (are you still with me

). And the more I accept myself the happier I am, the better I feel, the more I show others AND the more others accept me for who I am. It is a visious circle. And accepting yourself doesn't mean that you do different things or neglect certain obligations, you only change your thoughts/emotions about it, accept it the way it is...