Do you think it is ok to fatally harm someone because they are bad or killed someone?

I still can’t imagine living in a country where guns are legal. That’s some Wild West shit in itself. We still have lots of gun crime in the major cities of the UK but it’s mostly all gang related.

I’m never worried that if I ever have a disagreement in public that someone might pull one out on me. I just find it so bizarre that people actually live in countries where they are legal.
@JamieUK92 I was thinking the same :nomouth:

I don't know anyone from Scandinavia who's been shot, shot at or have shot/shot at somebody else (except people who lived during WW2). I don't personally know anyone who owns a gun for any other purpose than hunting/sports.

If someone is threatening you, you threaten to call the police. If that doesn't work, you run away and then call the police. If that's not an option, you beat them up/get beaten up and then call the police. If they have a weapon, give them what they want and then call the police, and then the incurrence company. If they want to harm you, do whatever you can to survive.
@JamieUK92 I was thinking the same :nomouth:

I don't know anyone from Scandinavia who's been shot, shot at or have shot/shot at somebody else (except people who lived during WW2). I don't personally know anyone who owns a gun for any other purpose than hunting/sports.

If someone is threatening you, you threaten to call the police. If that doesn't work, you run away and then call the police. If that's not an option, you beat them up/get beaten up and then call the police. If they have a weapon, give them what they want and then call the police, and then the incurrence company. If they want to harm you, do whatever you can to survive.

Yeah I mean knife crime is a big problem in the UK since guns aren’t as readily available but at least defending yourself against someone wielding a knife is easier.

Killing another human should be the last resort in almost every situation. The only time I wouldn’t think twice is if any of my loved ones are in immediate danger of being seriously injured or killed. If I had a gun at my disposal in such a scenario then I’m shooting and asking questions later.
I still can’t imagine living in a country where guns are legal. That’s some Wild West shit in itself. We still have lots of gun crime in the major cities of the UK but it’s mostly all gang related.

I’m never worried that if I ever have a disagreement in public that someone might pull one out on me. I just find it so bizarre that people actually live in countries where they are legal.
it's pretty wild to see random people walking around with a gun strapped to their hip. i'm really trying to get out of here lolol
it's pretty wild to see random people walking around with a gun strapped to their hip. i'm really trying to get out of here lolol

Yeah I’m scared of those crazy farmers from Louisiana who walk around with shotguns. “Get off ma ranch boi!”.

Go live with Ren ASAP! I’m trying to not get into there hahaha @JennyDaniella please don’t make me have to deal with crazy farmers and such!
Yeah I mean knife crime is a big problem in the UK since guns aren’t as readily available but at least defending yourself against someone wielding a knife is easier.

Killing another human should be the last resort in almost every situation. The only time I wouldn’t think twice is if any of my loved ones are in immediate danger of being seriously injured or killed. If I had a gun at my disposal in such a scenario then I’m shooting and asking questions later.

Knife crime happens here too. I've never seen it in action, but hear about all the time.

I don't have a problem with people taking other people's lives in self defense if they have to. But when people have to own guns for defending themselves from other humans - that's bizarre to me :nomouth:
Knife crime happens here too. I've never seen it in action, but hear about all the time.

I don't have a problem with people taking other people's lives in self defense if they have to. But when people have to own guns for defending themselves from other humans - that's bizarre to me :nomouth:

I’ve never come across a Scandinavian with an ounce of hostility ever in my life to be honest. I think it would be bizarre to have to face a knife wielding Scandinavian.
I was in Texas in January... well only for 4 hours waiting for a connecting flight but let me tell you if the rest of Texas is as rundown as “George bush international toilet” then it must be fucking bad! That airport needs totally renovating.

It does suck, it is getting renovated though
Yeah I’m scared of those crazy farmers from Louisiana who walk around with shotguns. “Get off ma ranch boi!”.

Go live with Ren ASAP! I’m trying to not get into there hahaha @JennyDaniella please don’t make me have to deal with crazy farmers and such!


Thankfully Arizona isn't too crazy.... heh. *sweats profusely*

It's pretty bad. We had a well-known sheriff named Joe Arpaio run a certain sector of Arizona and literally was the epitome of a wild west redneck and racist.

God bless murica. *eats twinkies and a large burger whist wearing a shirt of the American flag*

None of us like it, man
It’s the Butt hole of America

Yep. I would die there.
Yeah I’ve always thought of America as a bizarre place to be honest with you. So much fucked up shit happens there. It’s like you either get abducted by UFOs, get your house destroyed by an hurricane, get shot randomly or end up living in an isolated haunted house in the middle of Louisiana. Even all the names of the states sound eery and disturbing. Jenny we aren’t living there! Anywhere but Murica please :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:

Sorry if I offend any of you Americans. I’d love to go to certain parts of it on holiday to the less eery sounding states.
Yeah I’ve always thought of America as a bizarre place to be honest with you. So much fucked up shit happens there. It’s like you either get abducted by UFOs, get your house destroyed by an hurricane, get shot randomly or end up living in an isolated haunted house in the middle of Louisiana. Even all the names of the states sound eery and disturbing
That's called freedom!