Does anyone feel "odd"?

Yes, everyone who is here at some point has felt this way. It's a major descriptor in the infj personality type and since it's a self reported test you've joined a website full of people who have self labeled themselves odd. Whether that's true or not is another story
So I just found out that INFJs are very rare today.
How are we supposed to not feel odd when we are a very rare personality type?

I can't hold a natural conversation with people. The things I'm interested in are eccentric and offbeat. I talk about something I like and it's like horns grow out of my head. My conversation partner makes it obvious he or she doesn't seem to care that I am passionate about X, Y, or Z. I stop talking. (Meanwhile, people talk my ear off for hours about their own hobbies and I get excited to hear why that person is passionate about it.)

Instead of talking to someone who is uninterested, then I begin to verbally talk to myself. Talking to myself helps me think, decompress, and stay focused. Someone catches me talking to myself and then tells me I'm weird.

Stop talking altogether. Draw instead. Draw and write. Suddenly get struck with a sense of self-awareness that I'm hunched over my desk scribbling on paper with the office's only crayola markers trying to block out the world where I feel as though I don't belong.

"Odd" was part of an old Internet handle of mine after all! If I'm not odd, what am I?
Odd and normal or two words without much real meaning behind them. When you become invulnerable to ridicule you actually become a demigod of badassery walking the Earth.

It's awesome but much easier said than done.
Or you become the Emperor flaunting invisible robes. If ridicule isn't a problem though, I suppose the Emperor was enjoying himself.