Does the future look bright to you?
It used to. When I was a kid, not only did I think the world was becoming a better place, technology will solve most of our problems, and humans in general were becoming more accepting and better to get along with, but I also thought my future was going to be "bright" as well. I thought I was such a good person, and if I worked hard, was a good person, trusted in God, and kept looking ahead for the best in life - I'd be a successful, good, and socially-desire-able person to be around.
What happened?
Long story short, the now "future" isn't much different from that past I lived in over 20+ years ago. In some ways its worse, than how I remember it. Money still matters more than ingenuity. And socioeconomic hierarchies, historical systems of power and injustice, good ideas/bad ideas, the normal/the abnormal pretty much set the agenda for just about all that happens from conscious-awareness to beyond human reach. There is no "future"! There never was, and never will be. The only thing you can see is what you can perceive and comprehend in your head and further communicate with other heads. None of it matters in the grand scheme of things towards a collective "future". Really, I see the future as a challenge or call for one to express their beliefs, and whether those beliefs are "good" or not. I am positive about the ideas of the future. Only because, I want the best for myself, for the properties in my care, and for the rest of the people around me. I see a lot of great things happening, showing me that the "future" is evolving into a world where there are many more possible avenues and complex ways to approach our problems, that even by chance, the odds can be seen as "more favorable" or positive now, and trending that way, than in the past. In my own life, I find the less I try to control my imagination towards some kind of deeper "meaning", and the more I work on paying attention to making the best decisions on a momentary scale, the better off I am and I will be in "the future".