My words are in blue, excerpts in black.
Appendix A
The Diabolical Covid Jab Scourge
Entire books could be written on all things Covid and how to limit a write-up to these few pages has been daunting to say the least.
The flow begins by demonstrating massive criminality, continues on with a quite brief description of corporations, then vaccines in general, and then returns to Covid highlighting some of the more severe areas of concern.
Due to concerns over patent activity dating back at least as far as 1999, Dr. David Martin’s company M-CAM -
"has been monitoring possible violations of the 1925 Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous, or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare (the Geneva Protocol) 1972 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, and Stockpiling of Bacteriological and Toxin Weapons and Their Destruction (the BTWC)".
Among its findings:
The National Institute of Health’s grant AI23946-08 issued to Dr. Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (officially classified as affiliated with Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID by at least 2003) began the work on synthetically altering the
Coronaviridae (the coronavirus family) for the express purpose of general research, pathogenic enhancement, detection, manipulation, and potential therapeutic interventions targeting the same. As early as May 21, 2000, Dr. Baric and UNC sought to patent critical sections of the coronavirus family for their commercial benefit.
[2] In one of the several papers derived from work sponsored by this grant, Dr. Baric published what he reported to be the full length cDNA of SARS CoV in which it was clearly stated that SAR CoV was based on a composite of DNA segments.
“Using a panel of contiguous cDNAs that span the entire genome, we have assembled a full-length cDNA of the SARS-CoV Urbani strain, and have rescued molecularly cloned SARS viruses (infectious clone SARS-CoV) that contained the expected marker mutations inserted into the component clones.”[3]
On April 19, 2002 – the Spring before the first SARS outbreak in Asia – Christopher M. Curtis, Boyd Yount, and Ralph Baric filed an application for U.S. Patent 7,279,327 for a method of producing recombinant coronavirus. In the first public record of the claims, they sought to patent a means of producing, “an infectious, replication defective, coronavirus.” This work was supported by the NIH grant referenced above and GM63228. In short, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services was involved in the funding of amplifying the infectious nature of coronavirus between 1999 and 2002
before SARS was ever detected in humans."
Martin elaborated on this during a presentation he made to German Attorney Reiner Fuellmich and others.
In 1999, Anthony Fauci funded research at UNC-Chapel Hill specifically to create - and you cannot help but lament what I am about to read because this comes directly from a patent application filed on April 19, 2002 - the NIAID built an infectious replication defective coronavirus. It was specifically targeted for human lung epithelium. In other words, we made SARS and we patented it on April 19, 2002 before there was any alleged outbreak in Asia which as you know followed that by several months.
Related to this creation of a gain of function coronavirus targeted for human lung epithelium:
The 1st vaccine ever patented for coronavirus was actually sought by Pfizer which was specifically this s-spiked protein, the exact same thing we allegedly have rushed into invention. The first application was filed January 28, 2000, 21 years ago. So, the idea that we mysteriously stumbled on the way to intervene on vaccines is not only ludicrous, it is incredulous. Because Timothy Miller, Sharon Klepfer, Albert Paul Reid, and Elaine Jones on 1-28 filed what ultimately issued as US Patent 6372224 which was the spike protein virus, a vaccine for the canine coronavirus.
This gives rise to the obvious evidence that neither the coronavirus concept of a vaccine nor the principle of the coronavirus itself as a pathogen of interest with respect to the spike protein’s behavior is anything novel at all. As a matter of fact it’s 22 years old, based on patent filings.
A bit later in his presentation, Martin provides more explosive information sufficient to demonstrate that the pandemic, so-called, is in fact a plandemic, thanks to, as Martin describes:
Together with CDC, NIAID, WHO, academic and commercial parties (including Johnson & Johnson; Sanofi and their several coronavirus patent holding biotech companies; Moderna; Ridgeback; Gilead; Sherlock Biosciences; and, others), a powerful group of interests constituted what we would suggest are “interlocking directorates” under U.S. anti-trust laws.
As to the explosive information:
In addition to filing the entire gene sequence on what became SARS coronavirus which is actually a violation of 35 USC Section §101. You cannot patent a naturally occurring substance. The 35 USC §101 violation was Patent 7220852. Now that patent also had a series of derivative patents associated with it. These are patent applications that were broken apart because they were of multiple patentable subject matter. But these include US patent 46592703p, US Patent 776521. These patents not only covered the gene sequence of SARS coronavirus, but also covered the means of detecting it using rtpcr (Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction).
Now the reason that’s a problem is because if you actually both own the patent on the gene itself and you own the patent on its detection you have a cunning advantage to being able to control 100% of the provenance of not only the virus itself, but also its detection. Meaning you have entire scientific and message control. And this patent, sought by the CDC, was allegedly justified by the public relations team as being sought so that everyone would be free to be able to research coronavirus.
The only problem with that statement is it’s a lie. And the reason why it’s a lie is because the patent office not once but twice rejected the patent on the gene sequence as unpatentable because the gene sequence was already in the public domain. In other words, prior to the CDC’s filing for a patent the patent office found 99.9% identity with the already existing coronavirus recorded in the public domain and over the rejection of the patent examiner and after having to pay an appeal fine into 2006 and 2007, the CDC overrode the patent office’s rejection of their patent and ultimately in 2007 got the patent on SARS coronavirus.
So, every public statement the CDC has made that said this was in the public interest is falsifiable by their own paid bribe to the patent office. This is not something that’s subtle and to make matters worse they paid an additional fee to keep their application private. Last time I checked if you’re trying to make information available for the public research you would not pay a fee to keep the information private.
I wish I could have made up anything I just said but all of that is available in the public patent archive record which any member of the public can review and the public pair as it’s called at the US patent office has not only the evidence but the actual documents which I have in my possession.
Now, this is critically important. It’s critically important because factcheckers have repeatedly stated that the novel coronavirus, designated as SARS cov2, is in fact distinct from the CDC patent. And here’s both the genetic and the patent problem. If you look at the gene sequence that is filed by the CDC in 2003 and again in 2005 and then again in 2006, what you find is identity in somewhere in between 95-99% of the sequence overlaps that have been identified in what’s called the novel subclade of SARS cov2. What we know is that the core designation of SARS coronavirus which is actually the clade of the beta coronavirus family and the subclade that has been called SARS cov2 have to overlap from a taxonomic point of view. You cannot have SARS designation on a thing without it first being SARS.
So, the disingenuous factchecking that has been done saying that somehow or another CDC has nothing to do with this particular patent or this particular pathogen is beyond both the literal credibility of the published sequences and it’s also beyond credulity when it comes to the ICTV (International Committee On Taxonomy of Viruses) taxonomy because it very clearly states that this is in fact a subclade of the clade called SARS coronavirus.
Now, what’s important is on the 28th of April and listen to the date very carefully because this date is problematic. Three days after CDC filed the patent on the SARS coronavirus in 2003, three days later, Sequoia Pharmaceuticals, a company that was set up in Maryland, filed a patent on antiviral agents of treatment and control of infections by coronavirus. CDC filed three days earlier and then the treatment was available three days later.
Now just hold that thought for a second.
Reiner Fullmich:
Who is Sequoia Pharmaceuticals?
Well, there you go. That’s a good question because SP and ultimately Ablinx Pharmaceuticals became rolled into the proprietary holdings of Pfizer, Crouselle, and J&J.
So, ask yourself a simple question.
How would one have a patent on a treatment for a thing that had been invented three days earlier?
The patent in question, the April 28th 2003 patent, 7151163, issued to SP, has another problem. The problem is, it was issued and published before the CDC patent on coronavirus was actually allowed. So, the degree to which the information could have been known by any means other than insider information between those parties is zero. It is not physically possible to patent a thing that treats a thing that had not been published because CDC had paid to keep it secret.
This my friends is the definition of criminal conspiracy, racketeering, and collusion. This is not a theory, this is evidence. You cannot have information in the future inform a treatment for a thing that did not exist.
This could well blow up into a RICO case ultimately.
It is a RICO case. It’s not it could blow up to it, it is a RICO case. And the RICO pattern, which was established in April of 2003 for the first coronavirus was played out to exactly the same schedule when we see the SARS cov2 show up when we have Moderna getting the spike protein sequence by phone from the vaccine research center at NIAID prior to the definition of the novel subclade.
[1], p. 2.
[2] U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/206,537, filed May 21, 2000
[5] A manufactured illusion. Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich 7/9/21 (Mirrored)
[6] A manufactured illusion. Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich 7/9/21 (Mirrored)