Dream interpretation

I didn't have a phone in the dream, so I stayed on Earth and ended up going to battle against the alien invasion

*never leaves home without phone again*
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What if the aliens ate everyone?

How is this not a blockbuster film already? Hollywood has failed us once again.
I'm tired of their laser guns and rape-y paralysis machinery.
The Green Inferno In Space, make it happen Hollywood.

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I have a very jungian recurring dream where I'm in a huge building walking in a corridor where all doors are named after an emotion, anger, joy, sadness, ect.
Also rusty objects are a motif in my dreams.
Last night I had a strange dream. I dreamed that a lady with an Enneagram certificate kept telling me that I'm not a 5, but a 7, and while we walked down a crowded market, she tried to convince me with her argument. She pointed out some events in my life that proves I'm a 7, which I didn't remember when I woke up, but I remembered them in my dreams. It was really funny.
I had a pretty intense dream last night. In that I really remember feeling the emotions in my dream as if I were really experiencing it. I dreamt I was kidnapped by a sex trafficker but it was a very formal businesslike thing after that. The kidnapper was known as the "broker," and he took me to this cute cafe to meet potential buyers. And the whole time I glared and promised everyone I was going to kill them. But they only acted amused by it. I remember feeling so enraged in my dream and planning ways to escape and as promised, kill the kidnapper and any buyer. I ended up being sold to this well to do family man who took me on a vacation with his whole family! It was to this beautiful lake house... But the house was up high in a tree right over the water and you had to climb a very steep and rickety ladder to get in. I don't remember how I escaped but I did. And I didn't kill anyone. I just remember being free and running by the side of the road but feeling euphoric. As in the whole world around me was intensely vivid and I felt completely alive because I knew how precious it was to be free.
I love how your righteous anger at being sex traffiked is juxtaposed by the setting of the "cute cafe" and being purchased by a "family man" who took you on a beautiful lake- tree-house vacation....with his family.
Last night I had a dream with two different elevators. One elevator was "broken" and the other one was fine. Which one did I go to? Well, you might have guessed right... The broken elevator, lol. I had this immense fear when being in that elevator that it would fall down. There was a digital display of the floor numbers on the elevator wall. The display went crazy and suddenly it showed -48 floors, but the elevator was still working normally and went up (not -48 floors down like the display showed).

I think this dream was about the fear of losing control in my life but in the end everything is in control.
I had a very elaborate dream involving @slant :anguished:
We were in some sort of large building with multiple conference rooms
She was super cool in my dream and we hung out and talked a long time
I think we've both been on discord too much :laughing:
I had a very elaborate dream involving @slant :anguished:
We were in some sort of large building with multiple conference rooms
She was super cool in my dream and we hung out and talked a long time
I think we've both been on discord too much :laughing:
I knoooww I had to not go on during the week! I may be on during the weekend, though. It's super fun. I'm glad the conversation was good. I could have been a serial killer or something so I'm glad your subconscious seems to like me lol
I knoooww I had to not go on during the week! I may be on during the weekend, though. It's super fun. I'm glad the conversation was good. I could have been a serial killer or something so I'm glad your subconscious seems to like me lol

idk maybe I woke up before the killin' started
I had a dream where I kept urinating. It turned out I really needed a piss when I woke up but I think there might be more to it.
I just woke up, because of a nightmare. This nightmare gave me shivers.

I rarely see any dreams about the forum or the people here. I had a nightmare, where the people on the forum made a thread about me and in this thread people mostly wrote hateful things about me, how much they hate me and why they hate me. One member was very vocal especially (I don't want to tell who it was as I don't think it matters, everyone were hateful) and that post got a lot of likes. People who I thought that accepted me, didn't. People who I thought were my friends, they weren't. They said out loud everything mean and hateful in this thread - how they truly felt. People didn't have any kind of filter at all, writing anything was acceptable. Just horrible, but nightmares usually are and they don't make any sense.

It was only a nightmare and usually nightmares end where I wake up crying. Nothing different this time either, lol. I think this nightmare was about my low self-esteem and insecurities with old bullying trauma. Because that's what people were doing, bullying. I woke up so I don't know how it ended.
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