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honestly the best thing for anxiety is just facing it head on. It gets better I promise. If you start dealing with it by using drugs you're probably just going to make your psychological landscape much more complex, and more difficult to handle sober, if only by relative state of mind. I've found even depressant drugs can make my anxieties worse at time because I have alot memories that I suppress on a day-to-day basis, or don't remember at all. Using drugs tends to bring those up for me.
If you're going to use drugs, I've heard that the prescription ones are highly addictive, and I have been strongly warned against taking them. As far as narcatic drugs go, marijuana is probably your best bet (but long term use messes with your dopamine receptor, so, again, using it to cope with anxiety you experience on a regular basis prolly isn't your best strategy). Oh, and I've never seen psychedelics and anxiety get along well.
Honestly, I advise just facing your anxiety. I'm not tying to be your franklin d roosevelt or anything but, the things people tend to be anxious about are usually far less detrimental than the anxiety itself.
I'm adding this image 'cause it's vaguely related to the topic, and it made me smile when i first saw it
Love the image.