Roses In The Vineyard
Well-known member
I'm so sorry that you have to cope with such an illness EM - all the problems seem amplified for anyone with a condition that causes anxiety and uncontrolled thoughts. COVID has messed up all the support services - my wife used to have monthly visits from her psychiatric health worker, but we've not seen them since the start of last year. We are still able to talk to her clinic thank goodness, but it's on demand and rather hit and miss - regular face to face contact is better. I hope you have some good support.Jesus @John K. Smh. I wouldn’t want to say that either considering this corona virus being anxiety ridden in itself.
From personal experience with having bipolar with psychotic features, ptsd, and seizures that have been occurring from possible encephalitis of my ovary, that’s kind of messed up.
Let's hope we find a good way through it all! Actually, despite what I said, I'm optimistic that we can - the way we have responded to COVID actually gives me some confidence. Oh I know it's been a mess and muddle through in many countries, but governments have actually dealt with the unknown and have made tough decisions that have been mostly supported strongly by the majority of people in the face of necessity. That gives me hope that people will support the measures we are starting to take to transition to a better balance between people and nature. The trouble is that people need to smell the cheese before they believe there is a problem, and that means there will have to be some alarming climate incidents to show people it's real - but then there will be a majority support for action.I’d say climate control would be a horrible idea in the way of looking at political biological warfare, but I do genuinely believe in the goodness of people and their responsibility to taking care of things. I’m sure that in the case of morality or even theology there comes a point of saying that or looking out for it may actually be assuming and contributing to dark triad traits rather than light.
But… let there be light. This whole thing is traumatizing for everyone right now, so I really do hope it’s non intentional and not apart of a political scheme of control. Granted, I do think that there are good people who would be against that, so I can see how my view of consequence may be a completely different one from another’s. I’m more concerned about the psycho dynamics of environmental trauma from an uncontrollable source/natural disaster affecting people rather than the effect of it. I couldn’t judge nor would I in that case.
@Roses In The Vineyard
I watched both the videos you posted here recently. I’ve long known and admired Jung’s thinking about psychic epidemics. I’m optimistic about how they play out though because I suspect they trigger the psychic equivalent of antibodies.
On the other hand it’s a disturbing thought that only a totalitarian system may have the ability to tackle the causes of climate change effectively. I fear that people will be unable to vote for hardships that won’t bear fruit until long after they are dead. I hope I’m wrong.
Yesssss!! Understanding eachothers trauma and helping carry it is a big thing I’ve noticed.I'm so sorry that you have to cope with such an illness EM - all the problems seem amplified for anyone with a condition that causes anxiety and uncontrolled thoughts. COVID has messed up all the support services - my wife used to have monthly visits from her psychiatric health worker, but we've not seen them since the start of last year. We are still able to talk to her clinic thank goodness, but it's on demand and rather hit and miss - regular face to face contact is better. I hope you have some good support.
Let's hope we find a good way through it all! Actually, despite what I said, I'm optimistic that we can - the way we have responded to COVID actually gives me some confidence. Oh I know it's been a mess and muddle through in many countries, but governments have actually dealt with the unknown and have made tough decisions that have been mostly supported strongly by the majority of people in the face of necessity. That gives me hope that people will support the measures we are starting to take to transition to a better balance between people and nature. The trouble is that people need to smell the cheese before they believe there is a problem, and that means there will have to be some alarming climate incidents to show people it's real - but then there will be a majority support for action.
I think, in general- and I’m not much of a political person myself considering that there is of course an expansion of every choice that is made- self blame in those situations instead of personal change that happens in congruence to correction and comfort, is what helps those in transferring of trauma and returning it to a source. Granted I think many would feel different about where to put it and that’s difficult as well and completely natural.Climate change is one of those things that happens on its own regardless what humans are doing but the worst of it isn't the co2 but rather all the toxic chemicals being pumped out, dumped, and simply allowed to leech out into the environment be it from industry to hose hold products including waste pharmaceuticals that don't get processed out of waste water only to reenter the water systems. Hell even the food sold as organic often contains some toxins left over in the soils from decades past where herbicides and pesticides where liberally sprayed with glyphosate being one of the worst offenders. Unfortunately it looks like we are already on our way to a mid or late century collapse as there is just too many problems in a short period of time.
So rocks can be happy now?
Hey, EM. (Is EM OK by the way?)I wouldn’t say an inanimate object can feel an emotion but I’m sure what we put out can effect things. I think they did some research on ice cubes and even live unthinking objects and found that positive and negative energy affects them. ![]()
I've seen it before and I'm highly sceptical. I just don't see how he can claim that the semantic content of words or music is the acting agent in the physical change of the structure. More likely it's the acoustic quality of those words that actuates it and the meaning is only coincidental.The ice cube thing I think is the Emoto work.
The ice cube thing I think is the Emoto work. He examined the crystalline structure of ice from water that before frozen was subjected to various words with intent. Words like love, hope, evil, etc.
I've seen it before and I'm highly sceptical. I just don't see how he can claim that the semantic content of words or music is the acting agent in the physical change of the structure. More likely it's the acoustic quality of those words that actuates it and the meaning is only coincidental.
What if I lied to it in Spanish?What if I lied to the ice crystal—saying nice, positive things while thinking negative thoughts?
I wonder how ice cubes can handle pretense.
We've spoken about this before. I suppose it is similar to the experiments in speaking to plants. There are correlations to the scientific processes which are related (those of the chemical processes taking place outside of perception-- unless thoroughly tested), and those things which are occurring parallel to the scientific processes which are perceived; however, perhaps misunderstood for their abstract or metaphysical manifestations. This isn't uncommon in science. There are things which we just do not have an answer for despite observing and perceiving particular phenomena. Recent biological research in biometaphysics suggests that plants are influenced by the energy reserve of other plants within proximity, so 'bioenergy theory' is relevant at least to some living organisms. It isn't a stretch to assume that this could be possible for humans, especially as the theory is tested and developed.Hey, EM. (Is EM OK by the way?)
The ice cube thing I think is the Emoto work. He examined the crystalline structure of ice from water that before frozen was subjected to various words with intent. Words like love, hope, evil, etc.