ENFJ women are my kryptonite. I've never seen passion or intenisty like that, but unfortunately (and I swear I'm not trying to sound egotistical here) so few ENFJs have strong Ti (or high end IQs), leaving me unable to respect their intelligence, especially when they feel very intensely that they are right when they are not. Otherwise, there is an incredible mutual admiration, which I think is what the relationship is built on... well that and the passion, dear goodness the passion. Unlike the supermagnet effect with INFPs, ENFJs are like plugging into direct current and forming a power circuit.
Johny Depp is no extrovert
Johny Depp is no extrovert
I agree. ^ I know he's in the limelight, but I see him as an introvert too... A really hot, super sexy, extremely fantastic introvert...![]()
All the MBTI personality sites list him as a famous ENFJ, and I can see it. He's not a classic extrovert by any means, but this is one of the reasons I am leaning toward ENFJ now, because ENFJs are seldom classic extroverts. He's very N, very F, and more J than P. That leaves INFJ and ENFJ, and he's just too focuesed to be an INFJ. He's extremely social and gregarious in his private life by all reports. He just feels that he needs to keep his private and public lives seperate. I can certainly understand that.
However, the MBTI sites could always be wrong. A lot of them site Obama as ENFJ, and there is no way he's not an ENTP. None.
So it is not uncommon for ENFJ's to have a borderline E score? I heard that ENFJ's are mostly considered extroverts because they have the need to help others, they might take so much pleasure in doing so that they might forget about themselves, they are very self-sacrificing but it is not because they might me extremely outgoing or just take pleasure in having lots of friends. I am guessing an ENFJ like the INFJ would take pleasure in have a small group of friends in which they can depend on, I also heard ENFJ's need recharging time, more so than other extroverts but I am not sure how accurate this is.
I think people might think Obama is an ENFJ is because he has very good verbal skills, he knows well how to manipulate and use his words correctly to influence others which is something I read many ENFJ's have but I believe they generally use such skill towards good and not to fulfill their own ambitious conveniences.
Von... thank you, you now have me questioning my I.... *now I have to go read*
Don't take this the wrong way, but I've always thought you were an ENFJ. Your Fe is very strong, seems to guide you.
I'm starting to think there are more than a few of us here that are ENFJs who think they are INFJs, as well as INFPs who think they are INFJs.... especially now that I've gotten to know some INFJs and INTJs very well.
It's really easy for ENFJs to assume they are INFJs because self assessment is inherently an introverted function, so when we self assess, we lean toward introversion scores. When we're 'geeking out', we're leaning on Ni and Ti, which when combined with our natural Fe, we test like INFJs... But, for the record, I think that the place for ENFJs is here, on the INFJ forums because of the introverting phenomenon.
I found an ENFJ forum, and it has 5 members. No really... five. Hehe, kind of proves my point... http://www.enfjforum.com/ENFJForum.aspx
Argh, VH. You have a nasty habit of casting doubt upon my type as soon as I've settled into one comfortably. I think I'm some bloody combination of NFJ and I'll leave things at that.
The more I think about it, the more I think we're ambiverts. We've developed our functions well enough to fully fit into both, not just in between. And now, we're both developing our Te, which is starting to give us access to the NTJ sphere.
In all honesty, I think the ideal person should have excellent use of all of their functions, so the possibility that we have more than one personality type that we can adapt into seems as if we are on that track of development.
'Never stop growing' is my motto.
ENFJ women are my kryptonite. I've never seen passion or intenisty like that, but unfortunately (and I swear I'm not trying to sound egotistical here) so few ENFJs have strong Ti (or high end IQs), leaving me unable to respect their intelligence, especially when they feel very intensely that they are right when they are not. Otherwise, there is an incredible mutual admiration, which I think is what the relationship is built on... well that and the passion, dear goodness the passion. Unlike the supermagnet effect with INFPs, ENFJs are like plugging into direct current and forming a power circuit.
Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan I can maybe see as an ENFJ, not Alec Guinness' though (INFJ all the way IMO).Von Hase said:Obiwan seemed more ENFJ than Qui Gonn.
Yes, this helps. I can definitely see the ones I put in bold. I never watched Quantum Leap. Noah has a huge T function, and my money is on ENTJ. Captain Archer... I'm really on the fence about. I can see it, but the P is strong in him. Red... just seems too I and S to me. Thulsa Doom... something's not jiving with him as an ENFJ... not enough idealism that includes the well being of others, nor enough 'passion'. Now Khan from Wrath of Khan, now there's an ENFJ villain!
That makes sense to me.Edit: After taking a look at them, I can see Scott Bakula, though I think what's going on here is that the actors (Shatner and the new Kirk) are ENFJs playing characters that are not ENFJs. Based on their actions, Kirk is an ESTP and Archer is an ENFP. We're seeing the actor shining through.
Embrace the dark side, Von.However, Kate Winslet is without a doubt and ENFJ. Worse still, she makes facial expressions, mannerisms, and vibes as me in candid photos / video. This does not bode well for my INFJness.
Embrace the dark side, Von.![]()
[SIZE=+1][SIZE=+2]So, I took a new approach to all of these tests... I answered them as if I was happy and healthy, in my best place mentally, rather than where I have been for the last several years.
Extraverted 11
Intuitive 62
Feeling 50
Judging 11
Basic Report Results (mhfg)
ENFJ - 76%
INFJ - 75%
INFP - 73%
ENFP - 63%
Type Dynamics Results
Fe - 25
Fi - 24
Ni - 23
Ne - 18
Cognitive ProcessLevel of Development
(Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
(Fe) ****************************************** (42.8)
(Fi) ************************************** (38.8)
(Ni) ************************************ (36.6)
(Se) ******************************** (32.5)
(Ne) **************************** (28.6)
(Ti) *********************** (23.3)
(Te) ******************* (19.2)
(Si) ****************** (18.4)
Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive processes, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ENFJ[SIZE=+1][SIZE=+2]For these reasons, I'm starting to see how I am Fe > Ni > Se > Ti, despite my self assessments. It's like I finally got a good look at myself from the outside.[/SIZE][/SIZE]
And this is just funny...
ENFJ: The Cult Leader
be able to deduce connections between things that other people miss; ENFJs are big thinkers. They are extremely charismatic, and wish to offer the benefit of their wisdom to the world at large. They tend to see the grand scheme of things, and tothese psychological personality traits are the result fo the fact that they are the Messiah.
ENFJs use their charisma and their knowledge to teach others, benevolently helping their fellow man reach a higher plane of evolution through such unorthodox but enlightened means as Psychic Third Nostril Enlargement. They then retire to secluded farmhouses in rural areas, where their followers express appreciation for the ENFJs by signing over all their worldly possessions and giving up their wives and daughters to the ENFJ's "special care."
RECREATION: ENFJs are fond of collecting things, such as wives, guns, ammunition, and FBI search warrants. ENFJs often pass their leisure time engaged in such pursuits as self-flagellation or being nailed to things. Some ENFJs eschew these activities, preferring instead to watch their followers engage in them, offering suggestions and gentle advice when appropriate.
COMPATIBILITY: ENFJs make natural companions and mentors to INFJs. They often get along well with ENFPs, although a friendly rivalry may sometimes erupt between the two.
Famous ENFJs include J. R. "Bob" Dobbs.
I got this from here... http://www.xeromag.com/fun/personality.html
All the MBTI personality sites list him as a famous ENFJ, and I can see it.
All the sites I've seen him typed list him as INFP.
And I am still not convinced he is an extrovert. I mean watching him in interviews he seems rather reserved and he speaks very deliberately all would be hallmarks of him being introverted. Now even when he seems more comfortable like on a one on one situation his style of speech is still very low key. An extrovert would put more of themselves out there in the majority of situations. Even if there goal was to be private there energy would be more open.