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Can you please provide a source that is not pro-life propaganda?
Can you please provide a source that is not pro-life propaganda?
I think people just need to discover the magic of the rubber. Once they start using that, everything else will sort itself out.
Just because I disagree with something doesn't mean that I can't argue in favor of it.Alice, this is the ultimate form of control. I thought you didn't like authority?
If the Amish bred like rabbits and yet stayed in Amishland which has a specific defined area of XXX sq feet, they would eventually die off because there would not be enough resources to support them all, especially at their current level of technology. Should they decide to adopt electricity, then perhaps they could start having large families again. But, should they continue to hold fast to their cherished values, the Amish population will not grow beyond a certain predefined carrying capacity.Your standpoint is ethnocentric. Ever talk to the Amish?
Clearly you have misunderstood my argument.Considering a good chunk of Africa and other third world nations are still agrarian and their farmers can't afford technologies that would lessen the burden of not having a lot of children....
Next thing I know, you're going to start telling me that Africans aren't real people. The laws of nature apply to everyone, not just some people some of the time.America is not the entire world.
That's a really good insight and certainly much more socially acceptable than Chris Langan's enforced sterilization policy.So what you would really be going up against is patriarchy. I think that those old types of patriarchal systems do need to come down, but I know that they wont change easily.
People would be granted a parenting license, after proving they are capable of raising children. Tests would be based on a few simple factors, including basic intelligence, education, criminal past, profession, and others. Depending on the test outcome, parents would be granted children points. For example, an average middle-class family would be permitted two children. This means they would be provided with all the benefits the country provides, like extensive maternity leaves, children grants and so forth.
Also, has anyone stopped to think of the possibly humorous implications of an enforced sterilization program? Would the Evangelical Right spring forth in protest, claiming that Jesus doesn't want us to not have babies? I wonder about that one.
Clearly you have misunderstood my argument.
Yes? No? Is he righter than Chris Langan at least?
Also, has anyone stopped to think of the possibly humorous implications of an enforced sterilization program? Would the Evangelical Right spring forth in protest, claiming that Jesus doesn't want us to not have babies? I wonder about that one.
No. The only people who would want to participate in enforcing such a program are authoritarian, sociopathic control freaks.
But seriously, people need to start having fewer kids. It's getting harder and harder to find places where I can hide from them all (people, that is).
Probably because they're righter than the rest of us.
Yes? No? Is he righter than Chris Langan at least?
Lol, Alice. Move out of the city. It feels cramped when you're stuck in traffic but once you get up in the air you'll see how much space there is...and there is plenty for everyone.![]()
I did! And there are still too many of them!
That's a really good insight and certainly much more socially acceptable than Chris Langan's enforced sterilization policy.
Is he righter than Chris Langan at least?
Well-argued, I agree 100%.
Let's look at the issue another way: is it selfish for parents to have children just because they want children and having children will make them feel good, if they are neither emotionally nor financially prepared to raise a kid? It might not be ethical to prevent the parents from reproducing, but is it ethical for a kid to be born to those parents?
I think that he was trolling, at least a little bit. But it sure is fun to think about.Well, I'm not sure how we would judge emotional readiness.
From what I've heard, immigrants don't do that well in this country either, not until the second or third generation, anyhow.although they are only working as a farmhand or whatever, are still much better off than a slum in Mexico.
Well, that's people thinking ahead for you. But we really don't need to be importing labor anyhow; my impression is that people like to hire immigrants so that they can treat them badly and not have to feel guilty about it. It's a race thing. I should know; I made a pretty determined effort to get some rich people to hire me to clean their house back when I was living in Houston. Now that I live in the white people capital of America, I've had no trouble picking up a housekeeping gig. Not that they don't still try to hire immigrants.Also, it would be dumb to do in this country because our fertility rate is declining.
Yeah, but some variations, like peanut allergies and lactose intolerance really suck. Oh, and cystic fibrosis, I don't like that one either. But yeah, I agree, it would be arrogant for us to believe that we know which traits are absolutely best. No one's that smart.It would also probably make us worse off as a species because we are good precisely because we have variation in the gene pool.