ENFP trying to find INFJ’s... WHERE ARE YOU?!

You don’t have to do anything with that information, it was just a welcome from a fellow northerner bro. I don’t smoke weed or do any drugs anymore but I don’t judge people who do. You won’t find much judgement in this forum. I don’t really meet up with people on forums (apart from my girlfriend), especially after immediately speaking to someone for the first time haha

I’m not saying I’d never meet up with people in my area but I’d have to know them pretty well first, if you get my drift :grinning:

I'm exactly the same man. Meeting people for the first time is a difficult hurdle to overcome for me.

Absolutely; once I get to know someone better, then it's a lot easier and comfortable to want to meet up.
empathy leads to a lot of work. and i always strife for perfection. no matter what it is applied to. when i meet someone, they always try to hide. be more social than they really are. then when i get to know them properly it always becomes apparant that they have problems that i believe i can help with, it becomes my number 1 mission. and usually these problems take time to resolve. and by then i become too attached to it. kind of like the gambling dilemma. i know it's happening. im fully aware of it. and i can make the right choice to take as little harm from it as possible. but. then my brain gets fried all of a sudden and i do and say things that i seriously regret a while later. then at 30 years old i figure out that i have adhd and it's that, that's been brewing and evolving. my head is a "different" place than most. and i want to explain that to people, but for that to happen, i need them to fully understand thaat which i am trying to explain. and thats where the little bit of time comes from. i mean 100% devoted attention.

that precise enough for you? :)

makes two of us in regards to the empathy bit. I'm sorry to hear about your ADHD man. I suffer from bouts of depression and anxiety, all which I have to constantly stay on-top of.

I have a 'savior complex' in me. But I've learnt as I have gotten older that I can't save anyone. I can be here for them to support them as much as I can and they need, but I have to look after myself too. It really is true; you can't pour from an empty cup, as simple and cliched as that sounds.

I wish you well and happiness.
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I've learned a lot about myself from this thread:
-I find pigs extremely cute
-Cotton candy is a fun sport
-I like cheese and yodeling more than most
I look forward meeting you intriguing creatures of the forest. But as a half nerd, my attention is focused on watching my D & D fix of Critical Role.
That's awesome mate:) I love how you state your MBTI as "in denial" haha. Why do you feel that?

Every test I’ve ever done, typed me as INFJ and the odd few times I’ve been typed INFP. However, I did a more thorough test lately which typed me as INFP but I score pretty high in the functions associated with ENFP.

I’d say I most strongly relate to the INFJ type but I also definitley see how I display ENFP characteristics. Also, a few very knowledgeable people on the forum like @Ren type me as ENFP and so I’m just a bit confused at the moment haha

I’m in denial of possibly being an ENFP basically...
Every test I’ve ever done, typed me as INFJ and the odd few times I’ve been typed INFP. However, I did a more thorough test lately which typed me as INFP but I score pretty high in the functions associated with ENFP.

I’d say I most strongly relate to the INFJ type but I also definitley see how I display ENFP characteristics. Also, a few very knowledgeable people on the forum like @Ren type me as ENFP and so I’m just a bit confused at the moment haha

I’m in denial of possibly being an ENFP basically...

I wouldn’t say I type you as ENFP, but I am ‘inclined’ towards it ^^ I see you more as FiTe than FeTi, but I could totally be wrong — and I’m not that knowledgeable! Anyway, what I know is that you’re a cool dude and that’s all that matters ;)
Wait am I the creature of the forest... lurking behind a tree stump, watching attentively yet quietly, waiting for a wild INFJ to come into my line of vision. Once they are near the tree, I pounce, my unicorn horn birthday hat falling off my head but clinging to me via a string.
The INFJ jumps and shrieks. I spray them with spray cheese to show I mean no harm. It likes the cheese. We have bonded. Yet it is hesitant to trust.

I know there is only one way to gain its trust. I lift my head to the heavens and bring my hands to my mouth, and let out the loudest yodel you have ever heard (or will ever hear again, due to your sudden onset of 75% deafness). The soul of the INFJ at once feels something it never has before—understood. They give me a small stick on the ground to show they have accepted my yodel. From then on, a friendship is formed.

Hmmm...don't know how to respond (in a good way). Wow, you are quick at trust!? Your mention of a unicorn makes me want to say," uuu, I like griffins, ravens, thestrals and fox spirits (kitsune)!" Sensing a playful and silly HollyBee there. For cheese, do you have any gouda? Or Midnight Moon brand (an actual cheese brand)? And Fe FTW, it helps me get out of the Ni Cauldron or Whirlpool of Forever. I can get lost indefinitely in the immersion of ideas and stories.
Every test I’ve ever done, typed me as INFJ and the odd few times I’ve been typed INFP. However, I did a more thorough test lately which typed me as INFP but I score pretty high in the functions associated with ENFP.

I’d say I most strongly relate to the INFJ type but I also definitley see how I display ENFP characteristics. Also, a few very knowledgeable people on the forum like @Ren type me as ENFP and so I’m just a bit confused at the moment haha

I’m in denial of possibly being an ENFP basically...

I get that sometimes too man! At times I'm typed as an INFP. But on much deeper study and comparing INFJs with INFPs, I found that I'm definitely an INFJ.

If I was typed as an ENFP then that would definitely be more confusing. The thing is, I guess we INFJs can be extroverted depending on how we're feeling at the time/the company we are in. Being social chameleons and such and able to mirror other MBTI's, I can understand why we're mistyped sometimes.

You've already studied it, so just go with your gut instinct on it I think. That INFJ instinct is one of the few great things about being an INFJ, in my opinion. It's always right (99.9% of the times, haha).

I'm here if you want to talk about it or anything else mate.

Hope you have a great weekend:)
I get that sometimes too man! At times I'm typed as an INFP. But on much deeper study and comparing INFJs with INFPs, I found that I'm definitely an INFJ.

If I was typed as an ENFP then that would definitely be more confusing. The thing is, I guess we INFJs can be extroverted depending on how we're feeling at the time/the company we are in. Being social chameleons and such and able to mirror other MBTI's, I can understand why we're mistyped sometimes.

You've already studied it, so just go with your gut instinct on it I think. That INFJ instinct is one of the few great things about being an INFJ, in my opinion. It's always right (99.9% of the times, haha).

I'm here if you want to talk about it or anything else mate.

Hope you have a great weekend:)

Thanks bro, what you said makes perfect sense to me. INFJs also struggle to understand themselves more than understanding others!

Yeah my gut most definitley tells me INFJ, so il stick with that.

Have a great weekend too and thanks for your kind words :smiley:
I dunno dude... from what I've seen thus far, I find it hard to believe you're INFJ at all.

I'm done.
He seems INFJ to me, but then I don't think that INFJs are particularly rare out there in the world. C. 2% still adds up to a lot of folks.

I'm actually REALLY articulated IRL
You mean like, double jointed?

Oh plz, every INFJ/INTJ I have ever met secretly wants to be dragged out by the bouncy ENFP. Tho they would never admit it....
I dunno, man, maybe I'm not in the mood right now... I found a lot of this shit pretty annoying.

I’d say I most strongly relate to the INFJ type
So did I, lol.

Jamie, I'm going to be honest here - I don't think you're ENFP. I think INFJ is probably the best fit for you. All that's happened is that you've come up against some INFJ gatekeeping - not by individuals, you understand (who are just throwing ideas at you as far as I've observed) but the general vibe of exclusivity that the INFJ gestalt generates - and you've gone all submissive to the social feeling and self-doubting, which is pretty INFJ in itself.
He seems INFJ to me, but then I don't think that INFJs are particularly rare out there in the world. C. 2% still adds up to a lot of folks.

You mean like, double jointed?

I dunno, man, maybe I'm not in the mood right now... I found a lot of this shit pretty annoying.

So did I, lol.

Jamie, I'm going to be honest here - I don't think you're ENFP. I think INFJ is probably the best fit for you. All that's happened is that you've come up against some INFJ gatekeeping - not by individuals, you understand (who are just throwing ideas at you as far as I've observed) but the general vibe of exclusivity that the INFJ gestalt generates - and you've gone all submissive to the social feeling and self-doubting, which is pretty INFJ in itself.

Yeah makes sense man. I’ve missed you! Have you been busy doing PHD things?