I became fascinated with the enneagram when I was in my mid 20's, but set it aside for many years because nothing seemed to fit. I seemed to be a weird mix of several types, yet none of them fit in any meaningful way.
I have a fear of being clueless. Of having no self awareness. Of being the kind of person whom everyone feels sorry for and merely tolerates. I know that this is largely related to being raised by a mentally ill parent, and seeing his repeatedly dysfunctional behavior over and over, with absolutely no insight into why he was so "rejected" by others. I have thus been determined never to hide from things about myself that might be ugly or difficult. I recently started studying the enneagram again, and I fear that figuring out my type has become my latest obsession
I paid to take the full RHETI, and scores were exactly tied for 3, 4, 6, and 9, with 5 not far behind.
I have previously never related to the type 6 descriptions. My husband is clearly a classic type 6, and I am nothing like him (he is ENTJ), but I read that 6 is a likely possibility if nothing seems to fit. So I started exploring the idea a little further.
And that is why, after years of thinking that I was an odd mix of types 3, 4, 5, and 9, I have realized that I am too paradoxical to be any of those. I now think I may be a 6w5. But still searching to be sure. And sixishly asking others for input.
Type 3 traits that I identify with: Being a bit of a chameleon. Sometimes thinking that the end justifies the means. Prioritizing success and what other people would think, over my own feelings, which I have tried hard to keep under control.
Type 3 traits that I do NOT identify with: Being energetic. Enjoying the limelight (which I try to avoid). Being willing to take advantage of others to gain personal success.
Type 4 traits that I identify with: Being sensitive, moody, and self absorbed. Seeing only what is missing. Feeling like I AM weird and different (I had an extremely weird childhood. It would be impossible not to be weird, but it has dissipated over time, and I do not enjoy it or try to emphasize it).
Type 4 traits that I do NOT identify with: WANTING to be weird or different. And I am not very artistic.
Type 5 traits that I identify with: Being reserved and withdrawn. Very much need alone time. Intellectualize EVERYTHING as way of preparing for / dealing with stress. Can be detached, although that came after years of trying not to care so much.
Type 5 traits that I do NOT identify with: Being a minimalist. Also, most of the fivish traits came in my 20's and 30's, after I had a few hard knocks... I didn't want to be hurt again, and I developed a defense mechanism of "not caring" about most things anyway. I could then detach to look at everything from a more cerebral perspective. A crisis with someone that I would die for made me realize that this was not a healthy coping mechanism.
Type 9 traits that I identify with: Being able to detach. Sometimes I can be very chill and laid back. Ok, lazy, although I hate admitting it.
Type 9 traits that I do NOT identify with: Even if I appear laid back on the surface, I am seldom truly relaxed. I have bouts of insomnia, nervous habits, and a brain that obsesses endlessly with whatever project is foremost in my mind.
So this is a brief comparison of type 6 with the other types that I found somewhere: My comments are in italics.
Comparisons with other types
6 vs 1: Ones have a life-long mission to self-improve themselves and tend to be very certain in their convictions. Ones equate repressing themselves with being more worthy. Sixes find it much easier lying to protect loved ones as they don't have a transcendant view of morality like ones. Identify with 6 here, but I never thought I was a one anyway.
6 vs 2: Twos are more confident and self-righteous. Twos being enablers are naturally parental while sixes are natural team players. Twos repress what is at odds with their gentle self-image whereas sixes repress themselves to fit in. Oh yeah. Definitely identify with 6 here. But I never thought I was a two either.
6 vs 3: Threes think it is their destiny to become someone outstanding, whereas sixes aren't as naturally confident in their abilities. Threes keep their eye on the ball while sixes are prone to getting stuck in contingency planning. Oh yeah. Definitely more 6 than this description of 3.
6 vs 4: Fours are naturally elitist and sixes aren't. Sixes don't romanticize being different like fours do. Oh yeah. Definitely 6 vs 4. But wait, isn’t this a Fi vs Fe thing????
6 vs 5: Sixes focus much more on motives and intentions. Fives look before they leap emotionally. Sixes don't romanticize isolation and don't have delusions of grandeur like fives do. In contrast to fives, sixes orient themselves towards practical application of knowledge.
Hmmm. I’m a little fivish here. I actually do sometimes sort of romanticize isolation. And I want to know all of the things – just BECAUSE.
6 vs 7: Sixes don't have the blind faith in the future and themselves that sevens have. Sixes are much more self-conscious than sevens. Sixes are much more naturally responsible. Sixes are compliant types with a strong superego influence. I identify with 6 vs 7, but I never thought I was a seven either.
6 vs 8: Eights like to feel grand and sixes don't. When the desire for clarity and the desire to avoid weakness conflict, the six will choose for former and the eight the latter. I would choose clarity, but I also
never thought I was an eight,
6 vs 9: Sixes see nines as not alert enough while nines see that sixes need to chill out. Sixes have a heightened desire for things to be clear and communicated effectively while nines will be fine with explanations that "sort of" make sense due to their more elastic cognition. Nines find it easier to gloss over discrepancies. What is okay to a nine has a very wide latitude. This varies a lot, depending on what the situation is. I can be both very, very intense, and very, very chill.
So, I do relate to a few general things about type 6, but I am still not sure that it fits well enough for it to be of benefit for me to dig deep and explore growth patterns, instincts etc.
I have had considerable anxiety, starting in childhood, and getting better as an adult. It was a relief to me to NOT have to be at the mercy of parental whims any longer.
I don't think I have a basic fear of not having support or of not having an authority figure. I might be a little counter-phobic about being controlled... I am still exploring that idea. I know that I am far more independent and individualistic than the type 6 ENTJ husband. On the other hand, here I am asking other people to help me figure myself out...
I don't think I am generally paranoid, suspicious, or projecting. I might be a little guarded in general, but I really am pretty trusting of individuals unless I have reason to be suspicious. And if I do, I am usually right.
When I am reading type descriptions, I tend to see the negative characteristics in myself far more readily than positive ones, but I do see myself as loyal and reliable to the people and obligations that I am committed to.
Any thoughts? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for being such a supportive community!
I have a fear of being clueless. Of having no self awareness. Of being the kind of person whom everyone feels sorry for and merely tolerates. I know that this is largely related to being raised by a mentally ill parent, and seeing his repeatedly dysfunctional behavior over and over, with absolutely no insight into why he was so "rejected" by others. I have thus been determined never to hide from things about myself that might be ugly or difficult. I recently started studying the enneagram again, and I fear that figuring out my type has become my latest obsession
I paid to take the full RHETI, and scores were exactly tied for 3, 4, 6, and 9, with 5 not far behind.
I have previously never related to the type 6 descriptions. My husband is clearly a classic type 6, and I am nothing like him (he is ENTJ), but I read that 6 is a likely possibility if nothing seems to fit. So I started exploring the idea a little further.
And that is why, after years of thinking that I was an odd mix of types 3, 4, 5, and 9, I have realized that I am too paradoxical to be any of those. I now think I may be a 6w5. But still searching to be sure. And sixishly asking others for input.
Type 3 traits that I identify with: Being a bit of a chameleon. Sometimes thinking that the end justifies the means. Prioritizing success and what other people would think, over my own feelings, which I have tried hard to keep under control.
Type 3 traits that I do NOT identify with: Being energetic. Enjoying the limelight (which I try to avoid). Being willing to take advantage of others to gain personal success.
Type 4 traits that I identify with: Being sensitive, moody, and self absorbed. Seeing only what is missing. Feeling like I AM weird and different (I had an extremely weird childhood. It would be impossible not to be weird, but it has dissipated over time, and I do not enjoy it or try to emphasize it).
Type 4 traits that I do NOT identify with: WANTING to be weird or different. And I am not very artistic.
Type 5 traits that I identify with: Being reserved and withdrawn. Very much need alone time. Intellectualize EVERYTHING as way of preparing for / dealing with stress. Can be detached, although that came after years of trying not to care so much.
Type 5 traits that I do NOT identify with: Being a minimalist. Also, most of the fivish traits came in my 20's and 30's, after I had a few hard knocks... I didn't want to be hurt again, and I developed a defense mechanism of "not caring" about most things anyway. I could then detach to look at everything from a more cerebral perspective. A crisis with someone that I would die for made me realize that this was not a healthy coping mechanism.
Type 9 traits that I identify with: Being able to detach. Sometimes I can be very chill and laid back. Ok, lazy, although I hate admitting it.
Type 9 traits that I do NOT identify with: Even if I appear laid back on the surface, I am seldom truly relaxed. I have bouts of insomnia, nervous habits, and a brain that obsesses endlessly with whatever project is foremost in my mind.
So this is a brief comparison of type 6 with the other types that I found somewhere: My comments are in italics.
Comparisons with other types
6 vs 1: Ones have a life-long mission to self-improve themselves and tend to be very certain in their convictions. Ones equate repressing themselves with being more worthy. Sixes find it much easier lying to protect loved ones as they don't have a transcendant view of morality like ones. Identify with 6 here, but I never thought I was a one anyway.
6 vs 2: Twos are more confident and self-righteous. Twos being enablers are naturally parental while sixes are natural team players. Twos repress what is at odds with their gentle self-image whereas sixes repress themselves to fit in. Oh yeah. Definitely identify with 6 here. But I never thought I was a two either.
6 vs 3: Threes think it is their destiny to become someone outstanding, whereas sixes aren't as naturally confident in their abilities. Threes keep their eye on the ball while sixes are prone to getting stuck in contingency planning. Oh yeah. Definitely more 6 than this description of 3.
6 vs 4: Fours are naturally elitist and sixes aren't. Sixes don't romanticize being different like fours do. Oh yeah. Definitely 6 vs 4. But wait, isn’t this a Fi vs Fe thing????
6 vs 5: Sixes focus much more on motives and intentions. Fives look before they leap emotionally. Sixes don't romanticize isolation and don't have delusions of grandeur like fives do. In contrast to fives, sixes orient themselves towards practical application of knowledge.
Hmmm. I’m a little fivish here. I actually do sometimes sort of romanticize isolation. And I want to know all of the things – just BECAUSE.
6 vs 7: Sixes don't have the blind faith in the future and themselves that sevens have. Sixes are much more self-conscious than sevens. Sixes are much more naturally responsible. Sixes are compliant types with a strong superego influence. I identify with 6 vs 7, but I never thought I was a seven either.
6 vs 8: Eights like to feel grand and sixes don't. When the desire for clarity and the desire to avoid weakness conflict, the six will choose for former and the eight the latter. I would choose clarity, but I also
never thought I was an eight,
6 vs 9: Sixes see nines as not alert enough while nines see that sixes need to chill out. Sixes have a heightened desire for things to be clear and communicated effectively while nines will be fine with explanations that "sort of" make sense due to their more elastic cognition. Nines find it easier to gloss over discrepancies. What is okay to a nine has a very wide latitude. This varies a lot, depending on what the situation is. I can be both very, very intense, and very, very chill.
So, I do relate to a few general things about type 6, but I am still not sure that it fits well enough for it to be of benefit for me to dig deep and explore growth patterns, instincts etc.
I have had considerable anxiety, starting in childhood, and getting better as an adult. It was a relief to me to NOT have to be at the mercy of parental whims any longer.
I don't think I have a basic fear of not having support or of not having an authority figure. I might be a little counter-phobic about being controlled... I am still exploring that idea. I know that I am far more independent and individualistic than the type 6 ENTJ husband. On the other hand, here I am asking other people to help me figure myself out...
I don't think I am generally paranoid, suspicious, or projecting. I might be a little guarded in general, but I really am pretty trusting of individuals unless I have reason to be suspicious. And if I do, I am usually right.
When I am reading type descriptions, I tend to see the negative characteristics in myself far more readily than positive ones, but I do see myself as loyal and reliable to the people and obligations that I am committed to.
Any thoughts? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for being such a supportive community!