An addition to my previous post about ESTJ;
Just....RUN. RUN if you found yourself blocking a path of an ESTJ.
(or alternatively, if you're headstrong, go pure Ni on them and watch them explode -- fantastically)
Beating them requires a lot of things to do;
1) NOT BEING DEFENSIVE. The one who defends lost (because by then he can banish you as being unreasonable, or too whimsical, or simply being annoying). Hell, be proactive.
2) That being said, go around the bush. (Especially if your status are lower than theirs; in my case, father-son) Play within the rules of appropriate conduct but make it very clear you're not bending at his whims. Don't whine, offer arguments.
3) Understand the rules of their Te, then exploit their F; most of the time their Te are made for protecting their Fi (which is often hidden or banished as 'softie', but it is there.)
in my experience, 9 out of 10 times it's easier to run. Too bad my condition seems to require being in the 1 part of the chances..... meh.
@ETA: that being said, ESTJ is a great ally to have. Try to bring them into your way*! If you can find yourself protected / brought under their wings, consider yourself safe (in the S way). You've got a bulldozer in your party.
And consider yourself in for a great point of growth. Because when they say something is wrong, that something -is- wrong (depends on perspective, of course) This also works for the other Te dom, ENTJ.
*) It's going to take a lot of time and effort, kinda like steering a bulldozer, but it's worth it. Really, ESTJs are like bulldozers.