Everything you wanted to know about INTJs but were afraid to ask!

I figured it was not you, since you used the words, "I would not prod out of respect." :)

D'oh. Same innate desire to shift their environment to match Ni, then, just through different means? If my questions are silly and self-evident, my apologies. I know...[ this much ] about other types.
How do INTJs view INFPs.
Nice and pleasant enough. Tends to lack conciseness and organization in sharing their thoughts and feelings. Most likely to give you a long wall of rambling text. Great for emotional connection. The trouble is, INTJs like things organized, so it can be strenuous doing the processing and condensing of all the information that's rushing in.
Do you prefer people to be "simple" so you don't have to decode them?

Do you agree with the statement an INTJ once made to me that y'all are secretly lazy, and looking for the most direct route, via efficiency is just a way to have more free time?
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D'oh. Same innate desire to shift their environment to match Ni, then, just through different means? If my questions are silly and self-evident, my apologies. I know...[ this much ] about other types.
Just ignore me. ;) I'm a little too passionate about this particular type. Apologies.
Okay, I will.

I know you have SOME fondness for infjs, lovey. Why is this, or more specifically, what positive attributes of infjs make them tolerable to be around for an intj?

I mostly value them for their competence in understanding and dealing with feelings. Those skills are necessary to understand and share in my inner world. The hardest part is that I also require strong Ti, otherwise they won't connect with me on an intellectual level. An example might be that on the topic of religion or spirituality, they may not be able to acknowledge that they don't have the concrete evidence to justify their beliefs, even though that's logically correct. They turn feeling or intuition into fact. I think it's fine for someone to say "I just have a feeling about this" or "it makes sense to me intuitively but I can't explain it" and perhaps even act on it. It's not fine to say "I am certain of this, and I do not need evidence to support this".
Do intjs value friendships over love relationships? That is to say, is a loving friendship more of a necessity than being in love with a significant other?
To me it feels like one and the same, except for physical intimacy.
Is there a certain way that INTJs handle criticism?
Dismissive if they do not value or respect you. Defensive if they're the ego-monger type of INTJ. Otherwise, they will see if what you are saying makes sense to them. Any feelings would be isolated out and dealt with separately.

What about body language? Do they tend to be reserved, expressive, etc. in this regard?

Do they often get self-critical, or judge themselves harshly if they fail/do not meet their own standards? Or no?
Can any singular INTJ speak on behalf of INTJs in general?
You can tell most of us are Feelers because of all the relationship and love-focused questions we're asking. I wonder if it's frustrating for Jim...

[MENTION=3473]InvisibleJim[/MENTION], how long can you carry a conversation about people and/or relationships before you lose interest?

Do you think WWIII will break out in the next few months?

Does Iran have nuclear weapons?

Who's your favorite Jedi or Sith? Why?
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Most people here speak on behalf of their type, their sex, their race, or what have you. This is not the first thread to do so. Perhaps Jim is being tongue-in-cheek, or just encouraging tolerance of this misunderstood type.

Why so genius??

Why do you put up with the feelers on this forum?
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INTJs suck. :D
Is there a certain way that INTJs handle criticism?

What about body language? Do they tend to be reserved, expressive, etc. in this regard?

Is there anything that you would consider to be a defining feature of INTJs, or a characteristic unique to them that could be indicative of and identify their INTJness, were someone to come across them while going about their daily business?

Do they often get self-critical, or judge themselves harshly if they fail/do not meet their own standards? Or no?

Clearly maturity dependent, however it depends on the level of respect they have for the individual giving the criticism.
No respect = ignore
Respect = Get upset by it, which can usually be displayed in a number of normal means whilst they consider what adjustments to make

Usually the body language is reserved unless further prodded. If they feel the criticism is unjustified and they care about the giver then they may be expressive as they attempt to express why they think this is so.

It's difficult to disentangle INTJs from ISTJs, however you can see the difference vs INTPs in that INTJs will attack ethical paradigms that others attempt to wrap their space in.

Also note the difference vs Radiant Shadow, there isn't anything logical to me about ignoring an environment you don't like or dumbing down your dislike or like of situations because it makes you less noticeable in your dislike.