Everything you wanted to know about INTJs but were afraid to ask!

Ah, that is useful information. What happens when there are no environment changes to make, or when meeting perceived needs produces more frustration? Pinpointing the cause of frustration does nothing for you - quantity over quality, to generalize?

You are proposing that it is not possible to disentangle likes from dislikes. This isn't something that's sensible.

Regardless, if the problem is digging a hole to get out of a hole then stop digging.

If you just don't like *this* hole then find one you do.
Do you prefer people to be "simple" so you don't have to decode them?

Do you agree with the statement an INTJ once made to me that y'all are secretly lazy, and looking for the most direct route, via efficiency is just a way to have more free time?


Most certainly, although it was probably me that said it.
Can any singular INTJ speak on behalf of INTJs in general?

By anecdote, Yes! However, you only need route(n) of them to get a representative sample!
InvisibleJim how long can you carry a conversation about people and/or relationships before you lose interest?

Do you think WWIII will break out in the next few months?

Does Iran have nuclear weapons?

Who's your favorite Jedi or Sith? Why?

1) Longer than you might think, less than I might hope!

2) I don't think it's very likely but these things are often impossible to predict.

3) I don't think it has them but I think it is actively seeking them.

4) Darth Revan is the most badass Jedi/Sith evar.
Why so genius??

Why do you put up with the feelers on this forum?

There are a range of potential behaviours that seven billion humans have, if you split the distribution into 16 types you will see all potential behaviours within their respective splits.

They aren't so bad, what they lack in taste they make up for in consistency!
Can INTJs be defensive when it comes to their friends and people they like/care about?

Yes but the complaint often comes that the INTJ will question both sides.
For [MENTION=3473]InvisibleJim[/MENTION]:

Hey, guys... I'm an INTJ, too.

Yeah-huh, I took that one online test and scored INTJ, so that proves it.

So ask me questions!

What is an INTJ most insecure about?

Have you ever wanted to exist as a different type (even for a moment)? Which was it? Why?
Would you have a fist fight? Say if someone wanted to override any words with a jolly good scrap.

It's a potential route, depends if I can see my fist happily going through their skull.
What is an INTJ most insecure about?

Have you ever wanted to exist as a different type (even for a moment)? Which was it? Why?

Managing the pace of change in life is tricky. Young ones tend to have big confidence issues.

I'd love to be a female ESFP porn star for a bit. I guess i'd want to swap back as soon as I got AIDS/the bad herpes/preggers/old.
Managing the pace of change in life is tricky. Young ones tend to have big confidence issues.

I'd love to be a female ESFP porn star for a bit. I guess i'd want to swap back as soon as I got AIDS/the bad herpes/preggers/old.

I sense you may have evaded the second question. And held back on the first. Maybe it's just the differences in the way we communicate.

Have you ever been jealous of another type?