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Doing postmodernism the right way
Anyone interested in postmodernism / postmodern philosophy?
I don't find it very often discussed on this forum. I wonder if INFJs are not well-disposed towards postmodernism (this is probably a huge generalisation). Most poststructuralists/postmodernists seem to be ENxPs or INxPs.
Do you guys have thoughts on this?
Yeah! Fuck Derrida.P.s. Fuck Derrida
I like antinatalism, the position which assigns negative value to birth. It's a philosophy that runs contrary to the behavioral instincts of any biological organism.
Yeah! Fuck Derrida.
All people voluntarily abstaining from reproduction.How do you see it working in an ideal scenario of implementation?
Trace = all concepts imply the opposite?Why so much Derrida hate? He can be pretty thought-provoking.
Check out his concept of the trace.
All people voluntarily abstaining from reproduction.
Why so much Derrida hate? He can be pretty thought-provoking.
Check out his concept of the trace.
Wikipedia said:Derrida does not positively or strictly define trace, and denies the possibility of such a project. Indeed, words like "différance", "arche-writing", "pharmakos/pharmakon", and especially "specter", carry similar meanings in many other texts by Derrida. His refusal to apply only one name to his concepts is a deliberate strategy to avoid a set of metaphysical assumptions that, he argues, have been central to the history of European thought.
Sort of, more Schopenhauerian.How Malthusian of you.
All people voluntarily abstaining from reproduction.
Why so much Derrida hate? He can be pretty thought-provoking.
All people voluntarily abstaining from reproduction.
ENTJ > ESFJ superegoAnyone who pisses off so many people so well must be a truly great man. The whistling sound of air escaping from pricked bubbles is very funny, but perhaps some of them should have been left inflated out of mercy?
Secret yearing to be a Catholic priest ...... Fr Pin perhaps - I could see it actually![]()
My dear Wyote, it wouldn't continue, in the name of eliminating suffering.Yeah but then how does the human race continue? Through rebellion? Wouldn't that make children reviled and have a harder time developing in healthy ways?
My dear Wyote, it wouldn't continue, in the name of eliminating suffering.