People do think for themselves. Just because they are not coming to your conclusion, doesn't prove otherwise.
No I disagree with that
Many people are not really thinking for themselves because they are living in a bubble; it is a reality that has been created for them by the corporate media. The media repeats lies over and over again to these people until they believe them and that becomes the basis of their reality.
So their 'thoughts' have been planted in their heads by powerful people. They might think they have come to those conclusions by themselves but in reality an extremely pervasive media (and the education system plays a part as well) has shaped their perceptions of reality
Having a military where everyone wants to be 100% satisfied with explanations is inefficient and results in an ineffective military.
No people have a responsibility to question what they are doing before they put another human being in their cross hairs and pull the trigger
The problem is that the army tends to recruit young people. Young people have just come out of the education system and have been influenced by cultural media like movies and music and so on which all shapes them. They have also been living with their parents and if their parents aren't the type to question then the child will not have been offered any alternative perspectives outside whatever pro-government news or radio shows their parents like to watch or listen to (i know my parents grew up in a different era, post WW2 and had strong loyalties to their country as a result)
As people grow up they begin to question things more and get different perspectives and they begin to learn that the white hat/black hat narrative of good versus evil thats in western movies and other cultural products is not a reflection of real life; as people grow older they are less likely to join the military (unless the employment situation pushes them to)
Soldiering is usually a young mans game because their heads have been filled with nationalistic jingoism. We are all indcotrinated from a young age and the army wants to recruit people before they figure that out
Unless you mean something different than the way I am taking it, this is just a pie in the sky idealistic wish.
It's not pie in the sky in the sense that young people now have the internet and therefore there is always the chance that a young person will hear some new perspectives online, but as a rule young people are full of piss and vinegar and it often takes them a while to evolve their perceptions so even if a young person has been heavily indoctrinated to believe the corporate media he will often just react angrily if he encounters a new perspective because it is a challenge to his ego identity
So yeah....its a difficult situation but that's not to say that some don't question and drop out or turn activist or whistleblower....look at Bradley Manning
Granted I am not happy with the current state of affairs, I am not so blind as to subject every soldier to every news source until every soldier comes to the same conclusion as to what direction they must take. I was hoping for something specific and realistic not just the go-to "solution" of: think for yourself.
I think once a person 'gets it' then they should keep educating themself, keep spreading whats happening around. This is easier to do online but the authorities are going to clamp down heavily on the internet so now is the time to get info out there.
The other thing is to look into groups who think the way you do, research them and then make contact. There are many modes of peaceful resistance.
Also look at the ways they are trying to change your world or control your life and then find ways to resist those
Many people are doing different things (i've posted some ideas on the 'alternatives to capitalism thread'). i even came across a veterans site that had some petition to sign to re-affirm the constitution!
The constitution is going to be the rally point. That's going to be the banner the resistance will hold aloft in this struggle because more and more people realise that it was created to protect the people from tyrants, but particularly the international financiers. The second amendment wasn't created to protect your duck hunting rights it was created so you could protect yourself from tyrants looking to take power off the people
There are groups who see this thing turning into a shooting match and there are others that think thats incredibly foolish and that solutions have to be sought through legal and/or political avenues
Use the internet....start looking into activist groups...see what different ones are doing. I've posted a few ideas as I say on another thread. I think the key focus has to be on breaking the economic and political power of these guys and that means for example breaking up the 'too big to fail banks' and on ending the fed (see the 'end the fed campaign') as well as pushing for legal measures to be taken against those involved.
Massed non compliance is the only real way to stop their machine though
But if you are meaning more specifically what can people do if they are conscripted/drafted then they should peacefully non cooperate. Do not go to war. Be prepared to go to jail as a form of civil disobediance
Concerning 'questioning authority' people can only do that when they break out of the false reality bubble. You can't force someone to do that but you can offer them information that might give them a new perspective in the hope that at some point they will themselves pop the bubble and go looking for more answers (then they will be 'thinking for themseves')
Gun owners in New york turn to civil disobediance:
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