Yes, but that's not the question.
If the point is to have equality, then assuming that men must go, wouldn't it be fair that women must also go?
Obviously, yes.Yes, but that's not the question.
If the point is to have equality, then assuming that men must go, wouldn't it be fair that women must also go?
Yes, but that's not the question.
If the point is to have equality, then assuming that men must go, wouldn't it be fair that women must also go?
Obviously, yes.
(But its not fair that either be forced in the first place.)
Here's another option....both men and women could both question if the war is justifiable at all in the first place before blindly going to war
If they deem it isn't once they have looked at the facts objectively, then both men and women could resist government efforts to coerce them into fighting people in some far away place who have never done them any harm
Are you reading my responses?Why?
Isn't it a privilege?
Here's another option....both men and women could both question if the war is justifiable at all in the first place before blindly going to war
If they deem it isn't once they have looked at the facts objectively, then both men and women could resist government efforts to coerce them into fighting people in some far away place who have never done them any harm
[MENTION=5090]Apone[/MENTION] Look, it's obvious that you are being trollish and looking for an argument---because I have agreed with you that if women want to be able to join the military they should also be subject to a draft. I understand you have some cognitive dissonance going on because a feminist is agreeing with you on that point, so I will give you some time to get your head together.
For the record, I don't think military service is a privilege for men, either. Poor and disadvantaged are usually the ones who sign up, or those who may feel they don't have any other career options. And most of thise signing up probably dont anticipate coming back with disabilities and ptsd. Veterans aren't venerated and cared for nearly as much as anybody wants to pretend either, so lets get this straight--serving in the military isn't a privilege for anyone.
They come home unemployed and at a disadvantage to find work because a lot of companies are too afraid to hire them. They come home to understaffed and underfunded VA hospitals and mental health treatment centers. These are the ones I work with in my job. I'm not saying that their service isn't appreciated, but their sacrifices are by no means a privilege, when there are other ways to earn respect without sacrificing your safety and in a lot of cases, mental health.In exchange for their service soldiers are traditionally greeted with the utmost respect when they return to the society they protected. This in someways makes it a privilege. It stops becoming a privilege when the war isn't in self defense and the citizens don't stand behind it. This is our current situation and it's the reason most of our troops aren't admired the way they used to be.
So I disagree, I think fighting in war is a privilege under some circumstances. It just isn't in America at the moment.
They come home unemployed and at a disadvantage to find work because a lot of companies are too afraid to hire them. They come home to understaffed and underfunded VA hospitals and mental health treatment centers. These are the ones I work with in my job. I'm not saying that their service isn't appreciated, but their sacrifices are by no means a privilege, when there are other ways to earn respect without sacrificing your safety and in a lot of cases, mental health--otherwise why would we need to draft, anyway?
It's different than being conscripted to go kill, or to sign up for service without a true understanding of things.
What a novel idea that has never been done before.
How do you propose we implement such a system?
People need to question authority and think for themselves; this means getting news from sources other than the corporate media and listening to a range of perspectives and then holding their leaders accountable
Then there is direct action such as peaceful non cooperation