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She's trolling that's why.
I suspected this from the Xena picture onwards...
She's trolling that's why.
She's trolling that's why. She already explained the intent of this thread was to troll. She didn't say it in those words but it's basically what she said.
No, I said that I wanted people to engage some emotions into discussion) That can mean trolling if you decide to interpret it that way, but it doesn't necessarily mean trolling and that's not what I meant. Besides I don't think anyone here was trolling, at least I didn't notice it.
Equity feminism in theory is something beautiful indeed, but I believe practice always involves wider group of social factors and unpredictable consequences. What I have a problem with is gender feminism. Here is the exact by-product of feminism that is bothering me:
Men and women before
View attachment 17002
Men and women now
View attachment 17003View attachment 17004
I might be overreacting, but I think most of people reading this will get the general idea about what I mean.
You know... I have to agree overall. No offense to Irena, but, that first JPG was from Gone With The Wind. The second is Zena, warrior princess.
1. Rhett and Scarlett were fictional characters in a mutually abusive relationship in a book/movie that did a lousy job of portraying reality overall for a number of reasons.
2. Zena doesn't even pretend to portray reality. The only place you are ever going to see someone like Zena is at some cosplay event or something, and even those people understand that it is just make-believe. (Well, I think they do, anyway. Possibly. Sometimes.)
I don't think feminism is turning us all into Zena. Rhett never even existed in the first place, except in the imagination of a writer, who was noted for being rather rebellious and actually was quite a strong personality herself, not exactly a doormat. Scarlett (also fictional) was herself rather a feminist, and was not exactly saintly or subservient in her treatment of men. (That would be Melanie.) And Scarlett was a good businesswoman as well, who made more money than her husband at the time, and in fact, most of the men in Scarlet's life were rather useless. Margaret Mitchell, the author, was supposedly a "nymphomaniac", but back in her day that was a term applied to any woman who actually -- erm -- got busy on a regular basis.
So it's ironic to choose Scarlett and Rhett as models for anti-feminism and virility, don't you think? They're rather the opposite. Scarlett regularly ran roughshod over men, and Rhett slept around and became abusive and left her. Bit twisted if you ask me.
I havent ever heard someone ask to discuss something emotionally. In my mind this sounds like to discuss non-rationally, but I can only imagine so much considering my disability as an ISTJ. Please @IrenaShav can you expound on what you mean by this? Also are you really from Russia? I guessed you were from Poland due to your blog and googletranslate.
Interesting choice of photos. Scarlett was clearly histrionic. Why did you choose her? I don't really want to obsess over a man that doesn't want me while I marry and use other men for money.
You are trolling. Giving an untruthful opinion about a subject in hopes of riling up emotions.
It's no biggie though. I think trolling gets a bad rap. Trolling is just a mean way to say "doing research on people's reactions", which you already explained.
I chose them because of their physical appearance to show how much popularization of some aspects of feminism has affected men and women's physical appearance over time. I wasn't relating to the characters or their stories.
Women are not exactly the same as men - if for the fact that our species has two sexes which are complimentary alone - ie. men have a different relationship with women, than they do with men as women do in respect of other wom2n and men. Moreover, women have different needs, as the thread on menstruation so graphically pointed out.I didn't say anything about gentlemen. And neither did you, originally.
You said life was boring for you etc., because of feminism.
I personally appreciate courtesy so if you open the door for a woman, kudos.
I was talking about the equality aspect.
I didn't say women were exactly the same as men, either. But I do think that women are capable of some of the same things men are--based on who they are as individuals.Women are not exactly the same as men - if for the fact that our species has two sexes which are complimentary alone - ie. men have a different relationship with women, than they do with men as women do in respect of other wom2n and men. Moreover, women have different needs, as the thread on menstruation so graphically pointed out.
I don't treat with people equally, but individually.
Women are their own worst enemies in this respect.I didn't say women were exactly the same as men, either. But I do think that women are capable of some of the same things men are--based on who they are as individuals.
I don't think someone's sex or gender should limit their aspirations or opportunities. And I don't think someone should be confined to behave in a prescribed way that they feel is unnatural to them, because it's commonly accepted that their gender should behave in such a way.
That's the whole point I was making.
How can you treat someone as an individual when you have an entire set of expectations for how they should operate based on their sex?
If feminist campaigns were directed at women, without any reference, or comparison to men I suspect that they would be as, if not more effective than anything to date.
Encouraging women and providing the necessary support and/or funds to follow their dreams - without trying to tell them what their dreams should be.How would that work?
Encouraging women and providing the necessary support and/or funds to follow their dreams - without trying to tell them what their dreams should be.
It seems that half of a certain type of feminist campaign is telling women that they don't measure up and eroding their sense of achievement. The other half of that type of campaign is telling men that they have done something bad by following their own aspirations. Such feminism seems determined to make everyone miserable and angry. However, this is consistent with how all haters operate.