I'm curious, what it is in your life that has prompted your stance. I'm thinking it may be more specific than you have let on.
In my environment, (a hospital), there is a definite line between the two. Obviously, medically, sex cannot be ignored, period. Why should it? It's just not practical. Professionally, there are definitely more female nurses, then male ones, which quite frankly, most patients are more comfortable with. I've never had a man, or woman ask me if there were any male nurses to care for their parts in lieu of myself, but very often, male nurses are rejected for female ones. For whatever reason, it's a knee jerk reaction. I think we have zero female security staff, which quite frankly, most people feel more secured by. Anatomy, physiology, chemistry, they just are not the same. Period. A woman could make a good security guard, but a 250 lb man (who is statistically stronger than a woman), up against a 150lb woman with Kevlar gloves, and just 6 weeks of training, offsets the balance. That's just my environment. I won't bring female police officers into this, because that's another kettle, which I don't know enough about.
Basically, things are peaceful if the basic facts are acknowledged, not defied... What I do feel troubled by, are cultures that feel that it is within their right to devalue another person because of their sex. One is not worth more than the other. Ying, and Yang... Work with pay, is not a masculine thing, it's a survival thing. Wearing a skirt, is not a feminine thing, it's a cultural thing. Caring for your offspring, is not a feminine thing, it's a parental thing. But, I'm sorry daddy, I'm getting my mat. leave, my body needs to recover, and this baby needs a breast. Education is not a masculine thing. When the concept of male VS female is exploited to oppress others, then there is a problem. We should never pretend though, that we are something we are not. It's counter-productive. That's what feminism should be about, and I think for the most part, it is. Every movement has members that loose site of the meaning behind it though. Those are often the ones that go beyond principle, and injure the progress that has been made.