Finish a sentence; start a totally different one

When we all recognize we are part of the same whole, the world will finally start moving.

After a storm...
After a storm passed by, we all moved to higher ground.

A hurricane
A hurricane in my skull is how I would describe doing paperwork.

It gets better...
It gets better when there is chemistry.

Short term memory loss starts
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Short term memory loss starts with a... wait, what was I talking about again?

The butterfly effect...
should never question my going in circles on the lawn mower during hurricane season, or my pulling weeds during an invasion while praying.

Cause and effect
... met at the Starbucks on Ralston to discuss the nature of their association.

The jaunty jalopy...
The jaunty jalopy burst into flames.

The flames....
The flames engulfed the Amazon Rainforest and turned it into smoldering ash.

A bird in the hand is
A bird in the hand is generally dead.

Two birds in the bush
In the 1980s, one of the birds in the bush died.

We looked everywhere
We looked everywhere for its body but could not find a single feather.

Just because
Just because this is possible doesnt mean its real.
The slow stealthy tiger wait for
yummy meal.

I don't know...
Hope those boys don't forget the importance of girls.

Writing my first-ever resume
Writing my first-ever resume was an exercise in humility.

Be the last one​

Be the last one to start, and the first one to finish a race.