Finish a sentence; start a totally different one

Acid rain is unpleasant.
Water is one of the most caustic. ..
Water is one of the most caustic elements to leave your yacht in year around.

Some areas are of historical relevance, yet have faded
Some areas are of historical relevance, yet have faded away from the history books for new neighborhoods.

I answered my own question because
I answered my own question because no one gets the idea of my post. Posters will ask me about the ideas of...
...what it means to be temporary when we all desperately seek permanence. If only we had the opportunity...
If only we had the opportunity, it would not be fair to everyone else.

The sunset caused the clouds in the sky
The sunset caused the clouds in the sky to drift apart and behind the veil emerged lord cthulu the ancient one,

The villgers began chanting and started a summoning ritual and from the ritual emearged .....
...from the ritual emerged the lost yet unforgotten soul that caused every tounge to gave their glory. However, the multitude dishonored the royal's code order...
However, the multitude dishonored the royal's code order and formed a new country.

I fell
I fell in the hands of the tyrant ruler and he began to interrogate me about the whereabouts of..
I fell in the hands of the tyrant ruler and he began to interrogate me about the whereabouts of the missing idol shaped in the likeness of a opaque donut,that had the ability to open up a transdimnsonal portal to a world...........where everyone.......wore socks....over there

I screamed in existential horror at the sight of such a scene
I screamed in existential horror at the sight of such a scene, took off my left shoe and threw it at the nearest telephone pole, scaring the nearby crows which promptly flew into each other in a frenzy and sent black feathers raining chaotically over the street.

Once upon a time there was..​

..there was a cute little girl playing with the bubble gliding to the green pasture of where she..
The green pasture of where she first fell in love had become a field of gold.

Shall I not send
Shall I not send the message that reveals the true content of my heart?

Once you're an adult you don't get to decide...
Once you're an adult you don't get to decide which side of the bed you sleep on

The police report said..
Once you're an adult you don't get to decide which side of the bed you sleep on

The police report said..

that there were two shooters - it was wrong; i was the only one.

Sometimes when she
that there were two shooters - it was wrong; i was the only one.

Sometimes when she
that sounds like the start of an agatha christie novel :3

sometimes when she yells the walls start to shake

the postman left
The postman left unharmed, for he's immune.. Thanks to his sonic wave whistling routine; it made his both ears....
His sonic wave whistling routine made his both ears red.

Lend me an ear...