Finish it!

give you the biggest glomp you've ever had. However there might be a problem with ....................
two tuesdays from now. Does it always rain on.........
my parade. Speaking of parades, did you hear about ......
the flip-flops?

Why is there no kettle....
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and speaking of tea, just as I put the kettle on I noticed ......
I had run out of earl grey, irish and english breakfast which made me feel very
... colonial.

So I made a cup of regular tea and...
felt utterly disgusted that i was forced to drink low grade tea, i decided that moment to go to the
bar and get well and truly pissed.After all if I ............
have to drink low grade drinks i might as well go all the way and drink a
big vat full of tequila.The worms can be a bit............
distressing, what with the screaming and all, still a mouthful of screaming worms is still better than...
drink screaming worms when you are shit faced. I wonder if the alcohol in my system ................
the propellers of a dual engine aircraft. Man my head hurts. It must be the monkeys.............
shoving bananas in my ears. In fact, I'm beginning to question whether the monkies love us as much as we love...
dancing in our underwear. Seriously though the bananas in my ears hurt. Why do cats always have to...........