Five minutes,

Be at home and tell as many as I can "Good-bye" Then finally sit in quiet serene acceptance....

But if I really didn't care XBOX or whatever I'm doing at the time.
Jump in my car, rip through the park -- take jumps.
Well, I figured I only have five minutes to live.....its take much longer than that to achieve an orgasm....trying that would be a waste of my time.
Might as well try something I've never done before in my last five minutes of exsistence.
Well, that sucks. Acid takes a good 1 1/2 hours-2 hours to peak. :< It's about 30 minutes before you even start to notice the onset. Plus, only one hit? Geeze. One hit won't get you anywhere: It's only about 100μg. Two hits will give you a headchange and make things look kind of "New". 4 hits is the point to where things start to get a little bit crazy.

But, I think I'll take the same route as alcyone... 'cept bigger.
Intravenously inject a cocktail of psychedelics. I'm thinking 1-1.3 mg of LSD, 15mg of 2c-e, 300-500mg of mescaline and 200mg of pure MDMA. Shortly after injection, take a good rip of about 50mg of DMT out of a bong(If I'm even aware of myself at that point). Shit, after the DMT, I won't even be aware of reality when the world ends; I'll be too busy being the universe. In the last moments of existence, I'm going all-out.

Actually, I might just try eating that cocktail one of these days, even if the world isn't ending. I bet it'd be one helluva experience. None of those dosages are really that high, except the LSD and, even then, LSD's LD50 is believed to be somewhere around 12,000μg... Even then, it's also speculated to be up to 40,000μg. Lol. Nobody really knows.

Clinical Management of Poisoning and Drug Overdose said:
by Haddad Winchester
page 459:
"No well-documented human deaths resulting directly from the toxic effects of LSD itself have occurred, though LSD has been implicated in accidental deaths, suicides, and homicides. LD50 (That's lethal dose in 50% of those who ingest this much) determinations vary widely with species, begin 46 mg/kg in mice, 16.5 mg/kg in rats, 0.3 mg/kg in rabbits and 0.1 mg/kg in elephants. In monkeys, the LD100 is 5 mg/kg. Death in these animals is the result of respiratory failure, preceded in the rabbit by marked hyperthermia. Human data are manifestly lacking, and predictions of the average lethal dose for humans have ranged from 0.2 mg/kg to more than 1 mg/kg, administered orally.

Moral of the story: If you drop acid, do a fuckin' heroic dose!
Lol, JK. Acid can still fuck with you, psychologically if you dose too high... Unless you do it past the 1.5mg range
I wouldn't mind feeling the way I did a morning ago or so as the alarm clock woke me from a dream.....never felt like that before. That may be what it will feel like after the five minutes, though..............maybe I'll get the guts to share it in the dream section one day.
Oh wow. Why is that and in five minutes where would you go?
I'm having dinner with friends. All of a sudden sirens go off, and the manager yells at everyone that he's just seen on the news that the world will end in 5 minutes.

First minute:
I tell all of my friends present that I love them, and I call my family and my friends who aren't present and tell them the same thing.

Second minute:
I run outside and go absolutely mental, for about three minutes.

Fifth minute:
I get hold of that INFJ chick I mentioned in another thread, and it turns out she actually felt the same way. We share a romantic embrace and lie in each other's arms as the world explodes.
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hahaha you did too much in the first minute!
After reading that I think I'd just skip right off and be mental for the full five minutes!
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If I'm going out, I'm going out naked on my scooter in the middle of traffic attempting to ride between cars.
hahaha you did too much in the first minute!
After reading that I think I'd just skip right off and be mental for the full five minutes!

Hahaha, well I'll just conference call everyone whose numbers are on my cellphone. That can be achieved in a minute, I think...

Sixth minute:
Oh damn, I've never been to Hooters!
So if the world was going to end in five minutes from right now, where are you litterally right now and how would you feel about dying there?
So if the world was going to end in five minutes from right now, where are you litterally right now and how would you feel about dying there?

I'd probably just go mental for the initial four minutes, then do what I said I would in the fifth minute. :laugh:
Well, right now I'm sitting here in front of my computer sipping on a Diet Coke, tired after a long day of work, wearing jeans and a pink fleece jacket type top. My daughter is napping upstairs, my husband is laying on the couch watching the hockey game and my son is getting ready to go to the store to pick up a few groceries. I've been telling him what to buy. All of a sudden the tv flashes "THE WORLD WILL EXPLODE IN FIVE MINUTES!" In all truth if that happened I'd probably let my daughter keep sleeping and me, my husband and son would probably huddle in front of the TV saying, "Is this some sort of joke??" We'd probably do that for the full five minutes! Kaboom!
I'd lay on my bed and listen to Marilyn Manson's "Last Day on Earth". It's about 5 minutes.

I'd probably be too upset to do whatever else anyway. I would prefer to be hugging someone, but I don't think that anyone would want to if the world was ending.
I'd be reading Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. True story - a friend at work has the first 4 books in one volume, he's almost done reading it, and he'll let me borrow it - probably tomorrow! Oh no's!

You absolutely have to read that book. It is awesome!
I think, I would deffinitely laugh my butt off at all the funny parts of my life! I'd die with piss in my pants,lol.