Fluoride | INFJ Forum



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May 19, 2013
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fluoride is a primary contributor of the calcification of the pineal gland...

Benefits of Pineal Gland Decalcification/Third Eye (Ajna Chakra) Activation:

from http://decalcifypinealgland.com/

Many people believe that the pineal gland/third eye functions as a stargate that can see beyond space and time. In essence by activating your pineal gland/third eye, your perceptions go beyond this physical world and your mind awakens and connects to this plane of existence where time doesn’t exist, and from this there are a number of fantastic benefits:

Greater Awareness/Becoming Awake
Activating our pineal gland/third eye metaphysically opens our eyes from a deep spiritual slumber. It allows us to begin to perceive the ‘truth’ that surrounds us. This means that you will start seeing that the world we live is full of control and inequalities, and out of harmony with the rest of the universe. You will feel a desire to be free and live in a world full of love, compassion and truth. Ultimately you will feel the connection to all that is around you in nature and feel a deeper connection with the universe. It is a profound sense, that allows you to see beauty in all things and realise that your physical self isn’t your true self.

Your instincts are like a well tuned compass that points you in the ‘right’ direction to achieve what your soul seeks. With an activated pineal gland/third eye, you are able to read these instinctual signals far easily, where it becomes almost like an additional sense, hence sixth sense. It is almost like you just know what will happen and what certain outcomes of certain events will be. It is why some people believe that the most famous prophets of our time have all had activated pineal glands.
The feeling of all of us being part of the same whole also becomes apparent, and you are able to empathise with others, knowing that they are part of the same universal consciousness.

Laws of Attraction/Cosmic Ordering
As a result of an activated pineal gland, your third eye chakra will be activated, which in turn helps the whole chakra system balance. When you are energised and in tune with the universe, you are like a giant magnet to events, people, situations, etc. By harnessing the power of positive intention, gratitude and love, you can help manifest so much more beauty into your life. Watch the number of ‘helpful’ coincidences sky rocket!

Vivid Dreams/Lucid Dreaming
As your pineal gland regulates your sleep cycles, you will find that you sleep much better and that your dreams are more vivid and you dream lucidly. This means that you will feel that you control your dreams and are able to realise your true infinite self and the endless possibilities that exist in the dream state. Furthermore, you will realise that this dreamworld is the same as the “real world” that we live in, i.e. the fact that we have infinite possibilities and are each masters of our own universe.

Astral Travel/Astral Projection
When our pineal gland/third eye is connected to this plane of existence where time and space doesn’t exist, your soul is able to transcend its physical body and astral travel across time and across space. It has the ability to go anywhere in the universe and to anytime in the universe.
Many people believe that when we dream we are actually astral travelling, and with a fully activated pineal gland/awakened third eye we are able to astral travel while in the awakened state, i.e. when we are meditating.

With an activated pineal gland/third eye, you are constantly connected to the plane of existence where our souls reside. Here there is no time or space, just infinite love and truth – everything that has happened and will ever happen all exists in this plane of existence. With a connection to it, you will find that your imagination and creativity are super charged and are able to find solutions to problems easily, because the solution to all problems already exists in that place. Along with the ability to have vivid dreams and lucid dreaming, this will put spark your imagination to a whole new level.
Its part of a process of the chemical dumbing down of US society

Flouride is only one aspect of that programme

There are also additives in foods and drinks that are neuro-toxins such as 'aspartame' and 'monosodium glutomate'

Also genetically modified foods have been found to give lab rats cancer and yet foods sold in the US do not need to tell the consumer on their packaging that they contain GMO's

There is also a programme of spraying nanotechnology from planes which is made up of various particulates which are damaging to the human brain for example aluminium, barium and strontium; the excuse given for this is 'solar radiation management' as part of a programme of 'geoengineering' but when you cut the crap it basically means poisoning the public

Then there are vaccines which contain various toxic substances and babies and children now are subjected to more vaccines now than any previous generation

The other form of mind rot is of course the crap they put on TV whether it is missleading mainstream news or corrosive soap operas.

When people exhibit negative emotional responses to the toxic environment which has been created the el-ite then categorise them under a non scientific categorisation scheme called DSV and they then chemically cosh the person with a range of synthetic drugs designed to cut the unconscious mind off from the conscious mind which often then leads later to a catestrophic event as the unconscious mind finally breaks through again like water through a dam

When you put it all together and join the dots it becomes clear that a silent war is being waged against the public and their health
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fluoride is a primary contributor of the calcification of the pineal gland...

Back when they were trying to figure out what was wrong with me, I ended up with two MRIS of my head. Visited a neurologist and he ordered a super high res of my head. As you known, a persons pineal gland changes over time. Some become solid,others hollow out. Mine hollowed out but showed some type of abnormal casing over the entire thing. The doc didnt seem worried about it, he just said it wasnt normal.
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Deliberate polluting of the biosphere including sources of drinking water:

Back when they were trying to figure out what was wrong with me, I ended up with two MRIS of my head. Visited a neurologist and he ordered a super high res of my head. As you known, a persons pineal gland changes over time. Some become solid,others hollow out. Mine hollowed out but showed some type of abnormal casing over the entire thing. The doc didnt seem worried about it, he just said it wasnt normal.

Not certain if this is entirely accurate or not, but I've read if you take LSD, it regenerates your pineal gland.
Its part of a process of the chemical dumbing down of US society

Flouride is only one aspect of that programme

There are also additives in foods and drinks that are neuro-toxins such as 'aspartame' and 'monosodium glutomate'

Also genetically modified foods have been found to give lab rats cancer and yet foods sold in the US do not need to tell the consumer on their packaging that they contain GMO's

There is also a programme of spraying nanotechnology from planes which is made up of various particulates which are damaging to the human brain for example aluminium, barium and strontium; the excuse given for this is 'solar radiation management' as part of a programme of 'geoengineering' but when you cut the crap it basically means poisoning the public

Then there are vaccines which contain various toxic substances and babies and children now are subjected to more vaccines now than any previous generation

The other form of mind rot is of course the crap they put on TV whether it is missleading mainstream news or corrosive soap operas.

When people exhibit negative emotional responses to the toxic environment which has been created the el-ite then categorise them under a non scientific categorisation scheme called DSV and they then chemically cosh the person with a range of synthetic drugs designed to cut the unconscious mind off from the conscious mind which often then leads later to a catestrophic event as the unconscious mind finally breaks through again like water through a dam

When you put it all together and join the dots it becomes clear that a silent war is being waged against the public and their health

Have you noticed Muir, that "autism" is really a euphemism for genius? Every autistic child and person I've known has been found to be a genius in music, art, math, science, engineering.

The US And Uk have to compete with other nations for talent. Why not create a super breed of people who have amazing talents by injecting them with a vaccine that creates x-men type powers?
Not certain if this is entirely accurate or not, but I've read if you take LSD, it regenerates your pineal gland.

:) Yeah Im not sure the accuracy in that. I am not going to start taking LSD though to find out. However I have heard that the pineal gland is responsible for DMT production in the body. Not sure the accuracy in that either but there seems to have been a bit more reputable studies done on that account than the other.

DMT is an interesting thing. I dont suggest inputting more into your body than your body already creates but there are some interesting things to read about. DMT is found in almost all living things to include, grasses, plants, animals, humans. Its in everything. It is also the most illegal substance in the US. So right now technically you could be taken to jail and locked away forever because your body manufactures it.
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:) Yeah Im not sure the accuracy in that. I am not going to start taking LSD though to find out. However I have heard that the pineal gland is responsible for DMT production in the body. Not sure the accuracy in that either but there seems to have been a bit more reputable studies done on that account than the other.

DMT is an interesting thing. I dont suggest inputting more into your body than your body already creates but there are some interesting things to read about. DMT is found in almost all living things to include, grasses, plants, animals, humans. Its in everything. It is also the most illegal substance in the US. So right now technically you could be taken to jail and locked away forever because your body manufactures it.

I would never use fluoride toothpaste nor drink tap water. But history tells us LSD and DMT are fairly safe but you didn't hear that from me. :m025:
Have you noticed Muir, that "autism" is really a euphemism for genius? Every autistic child and person I've known has been found to be a genius in music, art, math, science, engineering.

The US And Uk have to compete with other nations for talent. Why not create a super breed of people who have amazing talents by injecting them with a vaccine that creates x-men type powers?

I used to work as a carer for people on the autism spectrum; far from exhibiting special talents they were pretty low functioning

of course everyone is different and those people were extreme cases on the spectrum but if their situation in life has been created because of toxins knowingly put into the environment by powerful people then i think that is a crime

The agenda is not about boosting the population

The el-ite are not trying to compete with other countries by using their populations brain power (they steal the brain power of other countries anyway), they are trying to do it by military means (covert and overt)

I would never use fluoride toothpaste nor drink tap water. But history tells us LSD and DMT are fairly safe but you didn't hear that from me. :m025:

Where do you live? I f you are in the US it doesnt matter if you use it in toothpaste or drink it. If you take a shower, you are absorbing it through your skin and eyes.
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I used to work as a carer for people on the autism spectrum; far from exhibiting special talents they were pretty low functioning

of course everyone is different and those people were extreme cases on the spectrum but if their situation in life has been created because of toxins knowingly put into the environment by powerful people then i think that is a crime

The agenda is not about boosting the population

The el-ite are not trying to compete with other countries by using their populations brain power (they steal the brain power of other countries anyway), they are trying to do it by military means (covert and overt)


Geniuses need people to nurture their talent.

I have a 14year old cousin who had been diagnosed with autism. He has a genius IQ and can play any song on the piano by listening to it once.

Another autistic girl http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/01/iris-halmshaw-paintings-autistic-thousands_n_3530466.html
If anyone is concerned you can buy non flouride toothpaste online and either water filters or bottled water (make sure like the lady in the OP video says that the bottled water doesn't contain it)

Our hunter gatherer ancestors used to have to be selective about what they ate and would need to knwo about what is in their environment. i know we think we are so much more advanced now but the reality is that we still need to know whats in our environment and we still need to be selective about what we eat and drink because some stuff out there is harmful
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Just as a note, the video I posted is of some random guy on the internet. This is exactly the type of information I myself would warn people about taking too seriously. However, I would like you to think of it as the tip of the iceberg from the perspective it gives you the inclination to gather your own information concerning it.

I began looking at fluoride when looking for my own answers concerning my health. What I found was staggering to say the least. While the person in the video is a random person, his facts mesh with what I have found myself. Not only is Fluoride a deadly poison, it also signiifcantly, decreases IQ of children. A study done by Harvard University all but proves this.

Yet, even with all of these facts piling up, there is no talk at all about having it removed from the US water system and you rarely hear ANYTHING about it on the news.
As i say everyone is different and there is a spectrum but autism is not advantageous to many

Oh but we are perfecting the vaccine that creates the perfect superman. So far, the Asians are winning. They have even figured out how to reverse aging.:m161:

Just as a note, the video I posted is of some random guy on the internet. This is exactly the type of information I myself would warn people about taking too seriously. However, I would like you to think of it as the tip of the iceberg from the perspective it gives you the inclination to gather your own information concerning it.

I began looking at fluoride when looking for my own answers concerning my health. What I found was staggering to say the least. While the person in the video is a random person, his facts mesh with what I have found myself. Not only is Fluoride a deadly poison, it also signiifcantly, decreases IQ of children. A study done by Harvard University all but proves this.

Yet, even with all of these facts piling up, there is no talk at all about having it removed from the US water system and you rarely hear ANYTHING about it on the news.

I want to suggest this as a gift http://www.iherb.com/product-reviews/auromere-ayurvedic-herbal-toothpaste-foam-free-cardamom-fennel-flavor-4-16-oz-75-ml-117-g/9528/?p=1
Oh but we are perfecting the vaccine that creates the perfect superman. So far, the Asians are winning. They have even figured out how to reverse aging.:m161:

They are not trying to do that

If they cared about peoples health they would remove flouride from the drinking water
They are not trying to do that

If they cared about peoples health they would remove flouride from the drinking water

Japan and South Korea do not add fluoride to their drinking water.
Japan and South Korea do not add fluoride to their drinking water.

I didn't say they were

I said the US government is poisoning its public; the US government is not looking to turn its population into supermen/women
Not certain if this is entirely accurate or not, but I've read if you take LSD, it regenerates your pineal gland.

I'm willing to test this theory!
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