I think
@Dragon has soo many crushes for and received..
@Wyote is blanket banning them. Why ? #possesive.
Ok Puts on Grown up voice.
Thankyou @Wyote for keeping this forum a good place. I know many others appreciate the hard work you do for this forum. yeah for once
@Milktoast Bandit I am not tagging you. It's because of wyote and others threads like this happen and aren't just "cola" adverts or whatever bs some trolls want to post/spread. I think
@ruji saw what I mean.
Whoa and you all thought I joked all the time... Ok
@Milktoast Bandit get the car and meet me round back. I don't want
@Sandie33 or
@Sadie seeing us leave together. I am still wearing the same clothes and
@atree and
@invisible will talk. I'm not even gonna mention
@Vicarious @hush (bad santa)
@Jet @Free @Gist @CindyLou or
If I missed you out ? Same reason as
@Stu and
@Scientia too emotional for me to types your names..

(in the car milkys making out with .....
insert name here.. )
to be continued......