Forum crush guessing game. Part DEUX | Page 24 | INFJ Forum

Forum crush guessing game. Part DEUX

If you think she's joking, I've learned the hard way...

She's not.


Challenge accepted.



oh nooo


Ok I really can't stop gawking at this now. It's.... hypnotic. Especially the way that bead of sweat dribbles down...

*excuses self for a freezing cold shower*

my eyes went down towards the abs...:m035:
The ultimate crush is Charlene, Free and Hush

They need to get together for the good of this thread, nay the good of existence itself.
Who says we haven't? If you have... oh, let's say $15 million or so, we'll send you a copy of the scandalous tape.

How many copies did you make??


I am the fruit of their loins and I weep the day I was born. Behind every bromance is a broken child.

#daddy drama #thehiddenvictimsofbromance

@Night Owl I laughed out loud at that one. See @Milktoast Bandit the harm you've done ? (yep totally passes the buck).

I think I should include a short 'the joys of real breakup' story here. My youngest son 19 (away at university) had been apparently telling my ex he has a sore ear. She was worried, I was not. She calls and texts him a lot, and he gets annoyed. I thought he was winding her up and she had not guessed that the 'sore ear' was meant to say 'leave me in peace mom' you are hurting my ears..

this is the kind of thing he would usually do even pre break up. Turns out tho he really does have a sore ear, I told him to go the nhs drop in centre nearby and get some ear drops - he's fine it's not serious. I did think it was a joke tho. #wrongbaddad

So yeah Milky.. this is the damage you caused.. #custodybattlelooms lol
oh I'm right there with you @Free!! But, for me, getting a hold of that would be like getting handed my favorite cookie and being told I can't eat it.... yet :p
Anticipation is part of the fun. ;)

*and that dog is more talented than most humans! So cute!
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Oh, Sandie, there is just so much going in in that gif that I'm still mesmerized.

im going to have sweet dreams because of that gif :relieved:
Who says we haven't? If you have... oh, let's say $15 million or so, we'll send you a copy of the scandalous tape.
How many copies did you make??

View attachment 31311

Dang, I only have 14 million, 999 thousand, and 999 dollars. Oh well, I'll just have to make my own my mind.

Hm...oh yeah...damn that got nasty quick.
Love this thread. Too funny.

Someone has to keep the thread that never ends going. It might has well be me.

@Free has a crush on everyone
@James has a crush on @atree
@Melissa has a crush on @Milktoast Bandit
@ruji has a crush on @Peppermint
Everyone has a crush on @hush and @Gist
@Jet has a crush on @ruji
@dang doesn't have any crushes left
@Eventhorizon has a crush on @SpecialEdition
I have a crush on all of you <3
Hehehe. Enjoy.

Look y'all I don't want you all getting carried away and excited here. How do you know I haven't brought @Milktoast Bandit into this as a decoy
in order to detract from the real person I'm crushing on...HA, bet you hadn't thought of that had you! ....You think you got me?! Ha hahahah
*demonic laughter*

you all think your so smart.
Look y'all I don't want you all getting carried away and excited here. How do you know I haven't brought @Milktoast Bandit into this as a decoy
in order to detract from the real person I'm crushing on...HA, bet you hadn't thought of that had you! ....You think you got me?! Ha hahahah
*demonic laughter*

you all think your so smart.
It's @Eventhorizon

Ok I really can't stop gawking at this now. It's.... hypnotic. Especially the way that bead of sweat dribbles down...

*excuses self for a freezing cold shower*

Hoooooooooollllyyyy moley!

Put a warning label on that, why don't you.
