I'm also at least a foot taller than Ariana Grande. I could fit that cutie in my pocket.
Well she is a tree ...
H-how tall are you?
w0w stu. Now every time I see you, I will think of a kiss-ass
Well she is a tree ...
How often and under what circumstances do you see that...?
Like you don't alreadyw0w stu. Now every time I see you, I will think of a kiss-ass
This is pure derailing but I'm doing it anyway.. Why do kids pick on me ? They do. It just happens. They sense my anxiety and like a dog that knows that they can get out the back gate, they are just all over me. The other day ? some kid was trolling me with a seal. Complete stranger, never met, still went for it.
I could try and explain but, it would take forever. I am not moaning about kids, they're great but man, they know how to play me. At least when i was kid myself I had more energy and could fight back.
Ok back to the show.. I think maybe @flower or @Serenity and @brightmoon yeah I could see that. He's a canadian right ? They always do well in these things.
I can see @brightmoon and @La Sagna seeing eye to eye on a couple of things. I think they'd enjoy a Niagara wine tour together.
@flower and @SkipINFJ give me a good vibe
@Serenity and @Zen ought to get to know one another more, I think!
@TinyBubbles and @The_Mysterious_Stranger
Friend crushes are fair game too, n'est pas?
This is about the cutest post ever
I simply cannot argue with such pristine logic.
me too, exactly =)5"8 1/2
So stinkin' adorbs, you guys are killin' me ;w;
Ewwaww @hush
you're much more than my crush, too
you complete me. I can'd be pleiush without youuuuuu <3