Forum crush guessing game. Part DEUX

This is pure derailing but I'm doing it anyway.. Why do kids pick on me ? They do. It just happens. They sense my anxiety and like a dog that knows that they can get out the back gate, they are just all over me. The other day ? some kid was trolling me with a seal. Complete stranger, never met, still went for it.

I could try and explain but, it would take forever. I am not moaning about kids, they're great but man, they know how to play me. At least when i was kid myself I had more energy and could fight back.

Ok back to the show.. I think maybe @flower or @Serenity and @brightmoon yeah I could see that. He's a canadian right ? They always do well in these things.
This is pure derailing but I'm doing it anyway.. Why do kids pick on me ? They do. It just happens. They sense my anxiety and like a dog that knows that they can get out the back gate, they are just all over me. The other day ? some kid was trolling me with a seal. Complete stranger, never met, still went for it.

I could try and explain but, it would take forever. I am not moaning about kids, they're great but man, they know how to play me. At least when i was kid myself I had more energy and could fight back.

Ok back to the show.. I think maybe @flower or @Serenity and @brightmoon yeah I could see that. He's a canadian right ? They always do well in these things.
Why do kids pick on me ? They do. It just happens.
Because you are a good natured softy with a good sense of humor....and you probably wade three feet deep into their shenanigans with them before you realized they have snookered you ;)
So, I had this huge crush on vBulletin. We were so in love. So hot! :m015: And then this dude Xenforo comes on the scene, and I'm like WTFijizzle is going on here? :m182: He was strutting his stuff, acting like he own the forum.
So, I had this huge crush on vBulletin. We were so in love. So hot! :m015: And then this dude Xenforo comes on the scene, and I'm like WTFijizzle is going on here? :m182: He was strutting his stuff, acting like he own the forum.

I'm still giving Xenforo suspicious glances. :unamused: He hasn't wormed his way into my cold, desiccated heart yet.
I think @Pleiades is one of the few ladies on here I don't have a crush on, and that's because I truly love her. She is the big sister I never had.

I always wanted an older brother, but turns out older sisters are pretty awesome. I don't know why I'm surprised, I myself am an awesome older sister ;)
Sure @La Sagna I'm in. Niagara wine tour will have to wait until spring as things are a little frozen around here. -20 C is a little cold to be tooling around a vineyard.

Yes @James I am a Canadian, born, raised and living