Still waiting my ladies.
I think @Dragon has soo many crushes for and received.. @Wyote is blanket banning them. Why ? #possesive.
Ok Puts on Grown up voice.
Thankyou @Wyote for keeping this forum a good place. I know many others appreciate the hard work you do for this forum. yeah for once @Milktoast Bandit I am not tagging you. It's because of wyote and others threads like this happen and aren't just "cola" adverts or whatever bs some trolls want to post/spread. I think @ruji saw what I mean.
Whoa and you all thought I joked all the time... Ok @Milktoast Bandit get the car and meet me round back. I don't want @Sandie33 or @Sadie seeing us leave together. I am still wearing the same clothes and @atree and @invisible will talk. I'm not even gonna mention @Vicarious @hush (bad santa) @Jet @Free @Gist @CindyLou or @bellisima
If I missed you out ? Same reason as @Stu and @Scientia too emotional for me to types your names..
(in the car milkys making out with ..... insert name here.. ) to be continued......
Is this it? Is this the conclusion to this thread? You and @Milktoast Bandit are going to sneak out back and ride off into the sunset while being trailed from behind with some punny quips and dad jokes? Do we all get on stage and bow after this?
Is this it? Is this the conclusion to this thread? You and @Milktoast Bandit are going to sneak out back and ride off into the sunset while being trailed from behind with some punny quips and dad jokes? Do we all get on stage and bow after this?
We're not at page 22 yet
He is in the car making out with someone else.. how can you toy with me like this ? #monsteratree bad pirate captain..
I think this thread is only just beginning, and despite my heartache I am glad. I am a happy for Milky (lie) and I only applied for a gun to start a new hobby.. lol
It's you isn't it in the car ? that's why milky had my inhaler.. omg.. (tears)
Almost. It's petering out. Slowing down, like a train getting ready to pull into a station. Relief is near...
Almost. It's petering out. Slowing down, like a train getting ready to pull into a station. Relief is near...
Unless it's just the calm before the storm...