Well, that's probably where the INFJ personality representation problem partly comes from :
A lot of use are afraid to write about things that are
very private/personal/deep and hard to explain, afraid that something so important to them is going to be overlooked for other "easier" threads. So people might just not try, in case it should "fail" (whatever that can mean). And in the end everybody misses out on a topic that might have hit it right on the nail.
I think Tolvo you're not the only one who has this issue - but the kind of INFJs who have this issue in general won't write about it.
You are right : this is a forum, and therefore functions as a forum. It is always easier to answer lighter threads. Answering more complicated (and more important) threads requires time, time to think, to phrase. A lot of us probably don't have that much time to spend here (at least I know I struggle to keep up with everything) and so they might pick the easy option. A long answer takes me a long time - thirty minutes, more (besides I'm not English native so it's even worse
)This is a big place. Maybe it would be easier if it was smaller, but then you would have less chances of people giving you the answer you're looking for.
The other thing to take into account is also the fact that a fair amount of us are probably looking for some kind of community in which they feel more at ease than in the external world, and therefore spend more time socialising (in quicker threads).
I know a few INFJs in real life (three or four, apart from myself) and it's true I don't get the impression they are quite like people here. But that's real life, and this is a forum. Introverts on forums don't have the same communication/social problems than in the outside world, and sometimes probably let loose. To me this cannot be an accurate representation of the INFJ type because the forum is a social tool, a language tool.
You can't see here every member's long moments of thoughts, of solitude, of connexion with the inner self. So much goes on inside my head every day, so much of it is not translatable into words, let alone to share with others. Sometimes I can't even grasp all that is going on beneath the surface... I would love to be able to get someone else's opinion on it, but it would require for the other person to know me as well as I know myself, and I know that's not going to happen.
I realise I'm not offering a solution to the problem... Wish I could!