Free speech on social media

I expected such a response plus this is fairly typical of those in cults when presented with evidence of such never mind what they've bought into is harmful to others. Can't say that I am surprised when this has been spreading throughout society for over a century like a virus and has killed what several dozen times more than even covid.
It's really too bad no one ever taught you about sourcing information and differentating between biased sources and non biased sources.
Do ya think the irony must be completely lost on him?

Not wanting to erase the knowledge of historical atrocities committed against minorities in the US so as to not repeat them is the new Nazism lol!

Though this a member who references white nationalist Stefan Molyneux so not a big surprise.
Do ya think the irony must be completely lost on him?

In that moment yes, which is why I chuckled

white nationalist Stefan Molyneux

Is he really? Or is that what others have labeled him? I genuinely don't know, don't really follow him but he makes some good points, or at least has in the past.
What is inherently wrong with being white and a nationalist? Or is "white nationalist" soft code for racist? Is he racist?
Raising kids in this day and age is almost an impossible task as parents really do have their hands full these days between there not being much if any family time due to work coupled with a degenerate public education system. As for social media good luck unless one is pretty tech savvy to have set up filters as well manage their phone use ect but either way they'll eventually find their way to the mess that is society. I do look back to my years in that hole that was those inner city schools where gang activity and drug use was common place on school grounds. One assistant principal told me that he had quit on one school after finding a loaded gun hidden in a stack of chairs so yea it is bad out there more so these days than ever.
Systems of inequality are definitely an issue in play in that. I agree.
We may all be getting off topic. I’m curious what thinks so far.
In that moment yes, which is why I chuckled

Is he really? Or is that what others have labeled him? I genuinely don't know, don't really follow him but he makes some good points, or at least has in the past.
What is inherently wrong with being white and a nationalist? Or is "white nationalist" soft code for racist? Is he racist?
I think he's a racist, yes. White nationalism is inherently racist. I think linking iq to race is racist. Not thinking humanity is one species, racist. I think claiming there is a white genocide taking place is something you notice only racist people worry about. Cuz it's a racist conspiracy theory.
I think he's a racist, yes. White nationalism is inherently racist. I think linking iq to race is racist. Not thinking humanity is one species, racist. I think claiming there is a white genocide taking place is something you notice only racist people worry about. Cuz it's a racist conspiracy theory.

We all fall victim and prey to it unfortunately. There’s always been a system of inequality and abuse that we’re going to be apart of or break to. Don’t expect too much of yourself.
We all fall victim and prey to it unfortunately. There’s always been a system of inequality and abuse that we’re going to be apart of or break to. Don’t expect too much of yourself.
Are you saying we're all racist and can never escape being victims of or perpetuating racism? I disagree.
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Are you saying we're all racist and can never escape being victims of or perpetuating racism? I disagree.

I overread most of the conversation, so no, definitely not. I’m saying that a system of inequality will always exist unfortunately. Finding yourself within that system to make a change in yourself and for the ones you love is the difficulty. Maybe you put a lot of expectation on yourself, or maybe that’s only what I see, I can never fully say. I don’t mean it within this conversation. Just generally, in your own life.
I think he's a racist, yes. White nationalism is inherently racist. I think linking iq to race is racist. Not thinking humanity is one species, racist. I think claiming there is a white genocide taking place is something you notice only racist people worry about. Cuz it's a racist conspiracy theory.
I think linking racism to some races is racist.

Anyhow, I think the internet going to be a little less sanitised over the next few years. While there's positives and negatives that come with this, personally, I look forward to it.

I like to get a realistic exposure to what people are thinking and prioritising. Curated content reminds me of people who are in utter denial about something they perceive as unpleasant. (Eg, someone who refuses to go to the doctor when they notice a lump).

I think we might find that people are nicer or better than everyone assumes, or that they're nastier and worse than everyone assumes. Either way, it's better to see people how they are.
To people that are concerned about free speech on social media: yes free speech is important, but it is just as important to sanitise the way we engage with others online.
I think what I'd do is to make complete anonymity impossible. Access to the internet would always have to be traceable and evasion of this subject to a hefty fine for both the individual and the internet service provider. Then I'd establish a network of laws by international treaty to create a small claims court version of libel. In the UK anyone can make a claim in a small claims court for damages up to (I think) £30K for faulty product or services, or for failure to pay for them, without a lot of fuss, expense and lawyer, and without a significant financial loss if you lose. It ought to be fairly easy to extend this to a libel equivalent. That would ensure that what anyone says that's defamatory against another has to be defendable by evidence that would stand up in court or there would be a significant financial penalty.
I think what I'd do is to make complete anonymity impossible. Access to the internet would always have to be traceable and evasion of this subject to a hefty fine for both the individual and the internet service provider. Then I'd establish a network of laws by international treaty to create a small claims court version of libel. In the UK anyone can make a claim in a small claims court for damages up to (I think) £30K for faulty product or services, or for failure to pay for them, without a lot of fuss, expense and lawyer, and without a significant financial loss if you lose. It ought to be fairly easy to extend this to a libel equivalent. That would ensure that what anyone says that's defamatory against another has to be defendable by evidence that would stand up in court or there would be a significant financial penalty.

Of course, some would go silent because they would have to own what they say, and some would go silent because saying anything would get them killed.

Of course, some would go silent because they would have to own what they say, and some would go silent because saying anything would get them killed.

I should qualify this - I don’t mean that everyone on line should be immediately identifiable to the public at large. But it should always be possible for a proper and straightforward legal process to obtain such information in the face of apparent abuse.
I think what I'd do is to make complete anonymity impossible. Access to the internet would always have to be traceable and evasion of this subject to a hefty fine for both the individual and the internet service provider. Then I'd establish a network of laws by international treaty to create a small claims court version of libel. In the UK anyone can make a claim in a small claims court for damages up to (I think) £30K for faulty product or services, or for failure to pay for them, without a lot of fuss, expense and lawyer, and without a significant financial loss if you lose. It ought to be fairly easy to extend this to a libel equivalent. That would ensure that what anyone says that's defamatory against another has to be defendable by evidence that would stand up in court or there would be a significant financial penalty.

I honestly despise this given that in some places like China if one even by accident said the wrong thing could easily mean a lot of horrible consequences including being sent of to a concentration camp as the case with the Uyghars. I really do despise authoritarians in all its forms and this is just evil period.
I honestly despise this given that in some places like China if one even by accident said the wrong thing could easily mean a lot of horrible consequences including being sent of to a concentration camp as the case with the Uyghars. I really do despise authoritarians in all its forms and this is just evil period.
I can’t see it makes any difference in those sort of societies because they will use the technology anyway to identify people they don’t like. I doubt they have any concept of anonymity and it’s pure illusion to think they honour it.

Personally I have just as much aversion to people in so called civilised societies who hide behind anonymity to hound individuals mercilessly with bullying that cannot be addressed because they cannot be found easily.
I can’t see it makes any difference in those sort of societies because they will use the technology anyway to identify people they don’t like. I doubt they have any concept of anonymity and it’s pure illusion to think they honour it.

Personally I have just as much aversion to people in so called civilised societies who hide behind anonymity to hound individuals mercilessly with bullying that cannot be addressed because they cannot be found easily.

Well I'll just say it this way that for humans there is a need for basic freedoms and dignity of life but for lizards and insects such repressive systems is fine as that is their norm. Too many of us either through personal experience or from family etc have lived through hell like this in some form or another for which many had to flee to other countries only for the comfortable and the wealthy to impose such in the west. I guess that you are on the side of the globalists who believe in authoritarianism. Those who don't value their own rights are not going to respect the rights of others often denying others of their rights for which countless millions have died in the past century.