1. Yes it is.
2. It is not only inferior but a fallacy too.
Everybody's opinion is subjective.Haha! Man that is pretty harsh, considering Slant's opinion is based on fact and yours is subjective!
Please explain the fallacy, and how one opinion can be inferior to another when there is no univeral right or wrong.
Or, do you believe that there is a universal right and wrong, if so, please demonstrate.
Haha! Man that is pretty harsh, considering Slant's opinion is based on fact and yours is subjective!
But you were implying that it doesn't matter if I believe in God or not, because humans can change the institutions and therefore I can marry.
Now you're saying that gays can't marry because the church doesn't allow them?
According to me, the church is an institution and therefore can undergo changes.
I don't think there is a universal right or wrong Miss. I just think that there is a higher degree of wrong in what you say, as you are ignorant and ignore the FACT that there is an emotion called Love and that it is the basis for marriage whether it is Civil Union or religious...
Why the hell would two people undergo a civil union for the sake of 'RIGHTS' without love?
No you misunderstood my argument. I was saying that, as religion becomes increasingly unimportant in current society, people are phasing out religious institutions and acts themselves. This is something that they are able to do superficially, but which does not change the overall and original purpose behind marriage as being a religious one. You can call fire water and if you continue to do that it might just catch on. Doesn't make it fire any the less though. Marriage is religious and as long as the church has control of that, and does things in the way of the bible, we cannot make changes. If liberalisation continues, I'm not saying it is impossible. but this will not be following the rules in the bible so would be leaning towards civil union anyway. The point of marriage is religious. No one should get married in a church if they do not want a religious partnership. This includes gay people, which it specifically says in the bible is not agreed with in christianity (as an example), therefore, until the bible is changed or atheists run the church, gay people should not legitimately marry in a church. And as I said, non-religious "marriage" should simply be called civil union, for everyone.
Some love is just an illusion. If love was always real there wouldn't be divorce and/or unfaithfulness.
If you don't believe in God, or if you do but the Church doesn't support your lifestyle ,get a civil union.
But marriage sounds so much nicer!![]()
Some people would marry without this 'love' purely for legal benefits, it's a matter of preference. Green cards for foriegners, people who want to split rent and tax, being legally recognized as a couple and given rights that adhere to that, etc.
But your fixation on love has led you to completely ignore my points. I don't care whether the said people love each other or not- that's irrelevant. We're talking about gay marriages and conflicts between religious people and the government that is causing such contraversy.
Love is just an illusion. If love was real there wouldn't be divorce and/or unfaithfulness.
Sorry Pristinegirl but I don't agree with your opinion, though I respect it.
Oh Wow, I see no logic in your logic!. See marriage under the law is quite NEW!! A 'common-law Marriage' is not even synonymous with or considered to be a 'marriage' but instead it is a 'domestic partnership'!!!! So your point fails again.
I'm not fixed on Love. And yes we are talking about gay marriages, but your loosely and wrong definition of what a marriage is makes this discussion take wrong turns.
Divorce and unfaithfulness has nothing to do with love. It shouldnt even be mentioned in the same sentence.
I have a hard time respecting that you disagree actually. An illusion you say? - Elaborate!!Can you honestly say that their is no emotion called love? You never loved a parent or your cat or even yourself?
If not then perhaps there lies a deep distortion in both of you two in which I feel deeply sorry for.
- Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit.
Oh wow haha someone has to exterminate ST in my opinion (I'm really sorry I just see no logic in your logic!). See marriage under the law is quite NEW!! A 'common-law Marriage' is not even synonymous with or considered to be a 'marriage' but instead it is a 'domestic partnership'!!!! So your point fails again.
Divorce and unfaithfulness has nothing to do with love. It shouldnt even be mentioned in the same sentence.
I have a hard time respecting that you disagree actually. An illusion you say? - Elaborate!!Can you honestly say that their is no emotion called love? You never loved a parent or your cat or even yourself?
If not then perhaps there lies a deep distortion in both of you two in which I feel deeply sorry for.
- Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit.